
Francis About To Promote More McCarrick’s Cronies

The anti-Catholic journalist Michael Sean Winters (NcrOnline.org, January 3) writes that a new Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops will be named as Cardinal Ouellet has asked to be replaced.

Winters also assumes that in 2020 Francis will promote more Cardinal McCarrick cronies.

According to Winters, there are “really only two” American candidates to replace Cardinal Wuerl as member of the Congregation for Bishops. Wuerl turns 80 in November.

They are the pro-homosex Newark Cardinal Tobin who owes his career to McCarrick, and Cardinal Farrell, the prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, who lived with McCarrick in Washington D.C.

The Congregation for Bishops oversees the selection of most new bishops.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsSuoazkjbto

Thors Catholic Hammer
antipope francises appointments all lack ecclesiastical authority. Until the catholic episcopate accept this fact the destruction of church initiated by antipope Francis will continue.