
Viganò: Francis Uses Covid-19 "To Humiliate God"

Like on Easter, Francis uses Covid-19 again to cancel Christmas and the December 8 veneration of the Immaculate on the Piazza di Spagna, Archbishop Viganò writes in a December 7 statement.

For him, the "so-called ‘church’ of Bergoglio" closes churches and arrogates to itself a right to deny God public worship and to deprive the faithful of the Sacraments "through a wretched connivance with civil power.”

Therefore - Viganò believes - the Bergoglio church "humiliates the Most Holy Trinity" by lowering it to the level of idols and demons with sacrilegious rituals of a neo-pagan religion. Thus it snatches the crown and sceptre away from Christ the King "in the name of Masonic Globalism.”

Viganò notices that Catholics are often scandalised and disoriented when Francis speaks, "because his words are the exact opposite of what they expect to hear from the Vicar of Christ."

Francis asks for obedience "to his own authority," Viganò observes, while using it to destroy the Papacy and the Church, "contradicting all of his Predecessors, none excluded.”

Picture: Carlo Maria Viganò, #newsCmviwrrubj

In the cartoon, Trump should be opening the door (or is this not Trump with his arms folded?).
It isn't just the Pope.seems most of the clergy are also unaware that Christ is Lord.
Che Amazon added, "I'm the Lord of the World , not you."