Video, Sola Scriptura and Private Judgment - Fernando Casanova PhD. Video, Sola Scriptura and Private Judgment, Fernando Casanova PhD, explicación clara e interesante para toda la familia.More
Video, Sola Scriptura and Private Judgment - Fernando Casanova PhD.
Video, Sola Scriptura and Private Judgment, Fernando Casanova PhD, explicación clara e interesante para toda la familia.
12 8 2013
Keandedewey, el mensaje que te mandé no apareció como yo te lo envié fue realmente una estafa cuando apareció, yo te agradecí y te felicité por ser positivo, te mando este espero que salga así como te lo envío.
¡Qué Dios te pague y te bendiga siempre!
Con un cordial saludo, se despide de ti, tu amigo el Carito.More
12 8 2013

Keandedewey, el mensaje que te mandé no apareció como yo te lo envié fue realmente una estafa cuando apareció, yo te agradecí y te felicité por ser positivo, te mando este espero que salga así como te lo envío.

¡Qué Dios te pague y te bendiga siempre!

Con un cordial saludo, se despide de ti, tu amigo el Carito.
For those who cannot view the video. :-)
As per Fernando Casanova thru EWTN.
The criterion of authority in the bible is not biblical but it's APOSTOLIC. Our Lord Jesus Christ said to his apostles, the first bishops, in Luke 10:16, "Anyone who listens to you listens to me..." So everyone willing to know Jesus Christ's truth had to find the apostles, their teaching and tradition. Paul's letter to …More
For those who cannot view the video. :-)

As per Fernando Casanova thru EWTN.

The criterion of authority in the bible is not biblical but it's APOSTOLIC. Our Lord Jesus Christ said to his apostles, the first bishops, in Luke 10:16, "Anyone who listens to you listens to me..." So everyone willing to know Jesus Christ's truth had to find the apostles, their teaching and tradition. Paul's letter to the Ephesians (2:20) says that the church Jesus founded, he built it upon the foundations of the apostles [and the prophets with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone]. Paul said to the Galatians (Gal 1:8-9) that "even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one that we preached to you, let that one be accursed" because the criterion of authority in the New Testament is apostolic and with this we do not underestimate the scriptures because it is the scriptures themselves that shows us the excellence of this doctrine and given to the apostles.
