'Pope' Francis denounces ‘anti-vaxxers,’ calls COVID jab refusal an ‘almost suicidal act of denial’

Dispite the evidences of 'alarming' and 'shocking Excess deaths', high above the statistical norms Jorge Bergoglio, lacking the legitimate office of pope [munus] and the spirit of truth, therefore …More
Dispite the evidences of 'alarming' and 'shocking Excess deaths', high above the statistical norms Jorge Bergoglio, lacking the legitimate office of pope [munus] and the spirit of truth, therefore logically, persists in falsehood and error.
Many people are dead [17 million plus] , many millions of Catholics [3,000,000 plus] according to the statistics.
Pope Francis denounces 'anti-vaxxers,' calls COVID jab refusal an 'almost suicidal act of denial' - LifeSite
Pope Francis denounces 'anti-vaxxers,' calls COVID jab refusal an 'almost suicidal act of denial' - LifeSite

U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis has issued fresh condemnation of critics of the abortion-tainted COVID-19 injections, saying that opposition to the shots “distressed” him since “being against the antidote is an almost suicidal act of denial.”
Speaking as part of his newly released memoirs, in a series of interviews conducted by journalist Fabio …More
Steve Samuel Thomas
Jim Caviezel calls him the Rothschild Pope!
The Wandering Recluse
Better a "suicidal act of denial" than the "suicidal act itself".
Everyday for Life Canada
This is a pope who doesn’t respect individual conscience. And because of that doesn’t respect God and His creation. He has abandoned the faithful. But this is nothing new as he has thrown Chinese Catholics under the bus. The CCP now chooses bishops and censors homilies. What a total disgrace.
All Saints