
Mexican Priests Burns Three Pachamama Effigies

On Sunday, Father Hugo Valdemar, a canon of Mexico City Archdiocese, burned three Pachamama effigies, reports AdoracionYLiberacion.com (video below).

The destruction of the idols took place outside the Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Reina de la Paz parish in the historic centre of Mexico city, where the Blessed Miguel Pro (+1927) used to live.

It was preceded by a prayer of reparation for the Pachamama idolatry during the Amazon Synod and in the Cathedral of Lima, Peru.

After the ceremony, Valdemar said that an exorcist had told him that Pachamama symbolises Satan who gives birth to the Antichrist who is represented by the foetus in Pachamama's womb. He called the idol a parody of Our Lady.


His ordinary backs him. If it were not for his Archbishop, he could have found himself menaced and forced to hide, if he didn't want to be put into a psychiatric hospital, which happened. Too many V2 bishops can pubicly advocate for faggotry, and attack those who hate it, these days.
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Father Valdemar, gracias! That's pretty clear!
God bless you.
Nothing is more revealing about Mexico than churches need bars to keep the parishioners from stealing the statues.