Pastor ARTUR PAWLOWSKI arrested on January 01 2022. GESTAPO/NAZI Alberta, Canada police show. GOD BLESS ARTUR and HIS FAMILY. GOD BLESS free CANADA ! Pastor Artur Pawlowski and his brother Dawid were …More
Pastor ARTUR PAWLOWSKI arrested on January 01 2022.
GESTAPO/NAZI Alberta, Canada police show.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski and his brother Dawid were arrested again, just moments ago.
Ten police cars.
20 cops.

Arresting him SWAT-team style, like before.
Pulling him over in the middle of a snowy roadway, at night, with cars speeding by. Just to humiliate him. And his son Nathaniel, who caught the whole thing on video.
Nathaniel asks the police, "no criminals to catch today?" One officer, who identifies himself as Officer Moore, says "just him".
Except that's a lie. Pastor Artur has never been convicted of a crime, ever.
These cops just won't leave them alone. They've convinced themselves this is police work, against a hardened criminal. But they're lying to themselves — perhaps it's to assuage their guilty consciences.
It's becoming an international disgrace.
Here, watch the footage of what happened:

We've already been in touch with Artur's top-notch lawyer, Sarah Miller, who has helped him so well these past two years. I know she'll fight like a lioness for him.
But still: there's something deeply wrong when the police, politicians, health bureaucrats and the corporate media are persecuting this Christian man.
If you can help us crowdfund Pastor Artur's lawyer, please do — go to www.SaveArtur.com. (Thanks.)
We'll keep you posted with any updates.
Yours truly,
Ezra Levant
P.S. This really is a terrible look for Canada. We criticize countries like China for bullying Christian clergy. How can our politicians do the same here? Please help us fight back at www.SaveArtur.com.
P.P.S. Almost as bad as the politicized police are the "Media Party" who cheer them on. That's our promise here at Rebel News — we always tell you the other side of the story. Thanks for your help.
Angelo Santelli
Ultra$%^$: I never said a Catholic pope should defend a Protestant. It must be something you posted, not I.
The question for all here is why you support a morbidly obese Argentinian (has he evr missed a meal?) who holds that Christ prayed the Lord's prayer incorrectly and which same obese infividual revoked an Apostolic Constitution of a previous Pope (an Apostolic Constitution is canonically …More
Ultra$%^$: I never said a Catholic pope should defend a Protestant. It must be something you posted, not I.

The question for all here is why you support a morbidly obese Argentinian (has he evr missed a meal?) who holds that Christ prayed the Lord's prayer incorrectly and which same obese infividual revoked an Apostolic Constitution of a previous Pope (an Apostolic Constitution is canonically binding, by the way). a pope canonized I should add, that stated the Latin rite was the liturgical rite of the Church in perpetuity.

It is no secret how hated Bergoglio is. This is a good sign for the faithful everywhere.
@Angelo Santelli Explain why a Catholic Pope should defend a Protestatant. Take your pope-hating obession elswhere.
If Pope Francis chooses to do so, that's his decision. As Pope, he's under no obligation, though.
evil laws by evil deceived politicians
Angelo Santelli
Never hear colon compromised Bergoglio go after those who violate the rights one has to one's body not being compromised. He is a remarkable laughing stock.
ktoz jak Bog1
Do you think whole this situation is only act of single policeman? You are WRONG. Satanists, children of satan, seated on highest seats of Canada and world made decision to start war with God and His children.
Facts Not Lies
Agreed... The private armies (we call them Police at this time) are directed by the tyrants of the governments. I was mostly addressing that the one brute cop was definitely and obviously more concerned for bullying than for 'safety'.
Facts Not Lies
Yeah that brute of a cop pushing Arthur back... then breaching his own claimed protocol (6' distance) only to push him again... this guy needs to get jailed and off the steroids ... his aggression was out of control.
When I heard this was a Corona virus I stated to all who I knew that no physics of a Corona virus can ever justify these draconic assertions... nobody researched... OK ... one did...…More
Yeah that brute of a cop pushing Arthur back... then breaching his own claimed protocol (6' distance) only to push him again... this guy needs to get jailed and off the steroids ... his aggression was out of control.

When I heard this was a Corona virus I stated to all who I knew that no physics of a Corona virus can ever justify these draconic assertions... nobody researched... OK ... one did... She is on a political forum gathering and presenting Facts. We share of course.

When we heard 'Lock down for 14 days to reduce the curve' it was (in my mind) the same as 'we will instill federal taxes for one year for the war effort'... and the behavior of 'never relinquish power' and 'never let a crisis go unprofitable' are being well mimicked between them.
God bless Arthur Pawlowski and his attorney Sarah Miller. God bless Canada!
Be courageus Brother. We all are with you in prayer on our knee.
Pastor Artur Pawlowski and his brother Dawid were arrested again, just moments ago /Jan. 01, 2022/.
Ten police cars.
20 cops.

Arresting him SWAT-team style, like before.
Pulling him over in the middle of a snowy roadway, at night, with cars speeding by. Just to humiliate him. And his son Nathaniel, who caught the whole thing on video.
Nathaniel asks the police, "no criminals to catch today?" One …More
Pastor Artur Pawlowski and his brother Dawid were arrested again, just moments ago /Jan. 01, 2022/.
Ten police cars.
20 cops.

Arresting him SWAT-team style, like before.
Pulling him over in the middle of a snowy roadway, at night, with cars speeding by. Just to humiliate him. And his son Nathaniel, who caught the whole thing on video.
Nathaniel asks the police, "no criminals to catch today?" One officer, who identifies himself as Officer Moore, says "just him".
Except that's a lie. Pastor Artur has never been convicted of a crime, ever.
These cops just won't leave them alone. They've convinced themselves this is police work, against a hardened criminal. But they're lying to themselves — perhaps it's to assuage their guilty consciences.
It's becoming an international disgrace.
Here, watch the footage of what happened:

We've already been in touch with Artur's top-notch lawyer, Sarah Miller, who has helped him so well these past two years. I know she'll fight like a lioness for him.
But still: there's something deeply wrong when the police, politicians, health bureaucrats and the corporate media are persecuting this Christian man.
If you can help us crowdfund Pastor Artur's lawyer, please do — go to www.SaveArtur.com. (Thanks.)
We'll keep you posted with any updates.
Yours truly,
Ezra Levant
P.S. This really is a terrible look for Canada. We criticize countries like China for bullying Christian clergy. How can our politicians do the same here? Please help us fight back at www.SaveArtur.com.
P.P.S. Almost as bad as the politicized police are the "Media Party" who cheer them on. That's our promise here at Rebel News — we always tell you the other side of the story. Thanks for your help.
He is truly follower of His Lord, Jesus Christ.
Keep your heresies for yourself and do not sow scandals here.
Courageous and close to God . Let's pray for more witnesses of faith like him.
Nie jestem za tym, abys przechodzil na protestantyzm, Kosciol swiety katolicki jest JEDYNA prawdziwa i pewna droga do zbawienia, chyba, ze mowimy o Franciszku i jemu podobnych wilkach w owczej skorze. To, ze ktos "swiadczy o Chrystusie, Panu naszym, a nie chodzi z nami" nie wyklucza go jednak ze zbawienia. Pamietaj o slowach Pana naszego: "nie przeszkadzajcie im"...to tez Ewangelia...
"To, ze ktos "swiadczy o Chrystusie, Panu naszym, a nie chodzi z nami" nie wyklucza go jednak ze zbawienia. Pamietaj o slowach Pana naszego: "nie przeszkadzajcie im"...to tez Ewangelia..."
Przekładając z bawełnianego na język polski: "ma być sola Scriptura po mojemu i nie obchodzi mnie co na ten temat mówi Kościół"
Quas Primas
Inaczej myślał i czynił G.K. Chesterton
1. G.K. Chesterton, jego życie, poglądy i dzieło” Dr Wojciech Golonka,— cz. 1
"To, ze ktos "swiadczy o Chrystusie, Panu naszym, a nie chodzi z nami" nie wyklucza go jednak ze zbawienia. Pamietaj o slowach Pana naszego: "nie przeszkadzajcie im"...to tez Ewangelia..."
Let's pray for Him. We polish, are proud of Him.
ktoz jak Bog1
God bless you Artur !
He's so courageous, and has so much integrity! Thank you Ezra Levant for not letting them get away with it without our at least having an opportunity to protest it. This man lived under Communism, he understands only too well what is happening. Thank you JezusMaryja.
Jan Joseph
Liberalen en socialisten zijn bezig een dictaturen op te bouwen, in Canada, Amerika en Europa. Wie is onze bevrijder?
Nasz Rodak z Kanady, pastor kosciola ulicznego ... Od poczatku lat 2000 do dzisiaj apostoluje na ulicach Calgary, stolicy prowincji kanadyjskiej, Alberta, gloszac Chrystusa i dzielac chleb glodnym i biednym. Kanadyjskie wladze, jak kiedys Sanhedryn na slowa Szczepana, tak dzisiaj na swiadectwo wiary Artura, odpowiada PRZESLADOWANIAMI.
Gdy księża katoliccy pozostawili swoje trzody bez opieki, kiedy pozamykali kościoły Pastor Artur Pawłowski nie tylko otwiera drzwi swojego kościoła dla pogubionych owieczek, ale także kontynuuje dokarmianie bezdomnych na ulicy jak to czyni od 20 lat. Naucza przy tym Słowo Boże i tego system totalitarny, ateistyczny nie znosi.
System totalitarny światowy jest wspierany przez fałszywego papieża …More
Gdy księża katoliccy pozostawili swoje trzody bez opieki, kiedy pozamykali kościoły Pastor Artur Pawłowski nie tylko otwiera drzwi swojego kościoła dla pogubionych owieczek, ale także kontynuuje dokarmianie bezdomnych na ulicy jak to czyni od 20 lat. Naucza przy tym Słowo Boże i tego system totalitarny, ateistyczny nie znosi.
System totalitarny światowy jest wspierany przez fałszywego papieża Franciszka i jego biskupów i jego księży, Gdzie jest Zbawienie? Przy pasterzach jak Artur Pawłowski czy przy kard Dziwiszu, Nyczu, Gądeckim, pseudoprymasie Poloku, Czy oddajecie cześć obcym bogom jak to czynią w Watykanie na rozkaz Franciszka, czy szczepicie się diabelską szczepionką na rozkaz Franciszka, czy odrzucacie szatana i jego sługi?
Nie będziesz dwom panom służył!