Biden: Cafeteria Catholic or Something Far More Dangerous?

Biden: Cafeteria Catholic or Something Far More Dangerous?

Joe Biden, in addition to holding the exalted title of President of the United States of America, holds a number of informal and unofficial …
Father Karl A Claver
Even though he has been heretical for a long time, Catholics voted for him, knowing he was evil.
Everyday for Life Canada
If America had one real bishop, Biden and Pelosi and many others would have been ex-communicated long ago. We have spiritual cowards in charge.
la verdad prevalece
The apostate Joe Biden challenges God and the Church with impunity, supported by the complicity of the apostates Bergoglio and James Martin who, in connivance, declare war on God.
Archbishop Viganò: ‘These three elements – heresy, sodomy, and corruption – are so recurrent that they are almost a trademark of the deep state and of the deep church’More
The apostate Joe Biden challenges God and the Church with impunity, supported by the complicity of the apostates Bergoglio and James Martin who, in connivance, declare war on God.

Archbishop Viganò: ‘These three elements – heresy, sodomy, and corruption – are so recurrent that they are almost a trademark of the deep state and of the deep church’