
Le Figaro: Francis’ Synod Is Made by Old Men

The instrumentum laboris of Francis’ Synod on synodality “clearly shows” how old its authors are, writes Étienne de Montety in LeFigaro.fr (August 14).

He doubts that the synod is representative of the spiritual concerns of the thousands of participants in the August 15 Lourdes pilgrimages or Lisbon’s World Youth Days.

“Let's be frank,” de Montety answers, “these issues of ‘structure’ and organisation do not concern them.”

He explains to Francis that these young people are the “Church of tomorrow”. They want to deepen their faith, they are eager to receive the sacraments in liturgies that are beautiful, joyful and contemplative, they are ready to travel the world to share the treasure that is their encounter with Christ.

For them, the reform of the Church consists in the growth of faith and charity. They don't ask for organisational coaches, but for saints.

Picture: LeSalonBeige.fr, #newsNccpxfbbjb

John A Cassani
It’s a gerontocracy just as much as the US government is. They don’t want to turn power over to those who haven’t had the same experience of Vatican II, or of the ‘60s in general, as the old people had. Remember, the old people of today were the radicals back then. All that’s changed is that they are in charge now.
Malki Tzedek
Left over hippies who never got the memo that the Swinging Sixties are as relevant as tie-dyed shirts and love beads.
John A Cassani
Which is why everything is decaying in a world where those who “pull the strings” think that era was the pinnacle of history.