Speaking at the cathedral in Luxembourg City, Cardinal Hollerich chastised his fellow Europeans for not coming to the aid of those living in refugee camps on the Greek island of Lesbos, which he personally visited last May at the pope’s behest.

Cardinal: Europeans Should Be ‘Fiercely Ashamed’ for Treatment of Migrants

Luxembourg’s progressive cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich echoed a Christmas appeal for migrants by Pope Francis, decrying the …
Unfortunately for the Cardinal, modern Europe is secular and simply doesn't define guilt in terms of Christian morality. Vatican Council II turns and bites its creators.
Are there any Catholic clerics left?
God save us from fools, loons, homoheretics, corrupt wolves.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Everyone should be respecfull of human life anywhere ,but i see a lot of catholic leaders very quiet when it comes to abortion and the killing of christians ,all over the world
Recently i read that at Christmas day some muslim terrorrists cut a number of christians throats ,what about that ,there is no crying from these cardinals
This "Cardinal" (human trafficker) and fellow Marxists are the ones exploiting people. They are perpetrating genocide by their very own definition (UN). They use migrants as weapons to destroy what's left of Christian society. They are the ones causing the untold collapse of Western civilization with their Marxist propaganda.
Our Lady of Sorrows
I bet he never mentions how many babies are murdered by abortion in his country!
We are ashamed of how you treat persecuted Christians.