Another sodomite apostate who defies God's laws and the Moral Teaching of the Church who is an active member of Bergoglio's apostate sect.

California priest who called for removal of Archbishop Cordileone declares he’s homosexual - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — A Catholic priest in Oakland, California, who previously called for Pope Francis to …
la verdad prevalece shares this
Shamelessly the apostate Bergoglio continues to propagate his diabolical gay agenda of perdition.
And apostate homosexual priests and cowardly hirelings are complicit in Bergoglio's rebellion against God.
la verdad prevalece
The Scripture says that God forgave the time of ignorance but no longer the malice after the revelation of the Truth. An apostate priest tramples on the Blood of Christ and therefore commits the unforgivable sin of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, equivalent to the sin of apostate angels.
I had a conversation with a faithful Catholic about Our Lord's words
" forgive them Father for they know not what they do"
He mentioned that several Fathers of the Church thought this asking of forgiveness was for the men who's job it was day in and day out to carry out the law. For example the men who nailed Our Lord to the Cross.
(They would not know what they were doing) "Crucifying God" so when …More
I had a conversation with a faithful Catholic about Our Lord's words
" forgive them Father for they know not what they do"
He mentioned that several Fathers of the Church thought this asking of forgiveness was for the men who's job it was day in and day out to carry out the law. For example the men who nailed Our Lord to the Cross.
(They would not know what they were doing) "Crucifying God" so when Our Lords says "They know not what they do" it was literal truth.
Not so with these folks🥺😭
Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.
How could he be accepted into a seminary after an 11 year relationship?
Hugh N. Cry