
Schönborn: Francis Wants to Abolish Celibacy, Uses Amazon Bishops As Pretext

Pope Francis considers abolishing celibacy, said Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schönborn to the Austrian Bishops' KathPress.at (October 2).

What the Amazon representatives will say during the [manipulated] Amazon Synod will be "decisive", according to Schönborn.

He admitted that “regional regulations” could have a global role model effect.


Demonic possessed, look into his eyes,
The crazed look of hell...
Of course Francis wants to abolish celibacy. One more attack on and wound to the priesthood, and by extension Holy Mother Church. For no priests equals no Sacraments—which Francis Hates with a Hatred worthy of one of his idols, Martin Luther. And no Sacraments equals No Church...
Which is and has been Antipope Francis’s Chief aim from the beginning.
Schönborn is a pathetic member of the Homosexual …More
Of course Francis wants to abolish celibacy. One more attack on and wound to the priesthood, and by extension Holy Mother Church. For no priests equals no Sacraments—which Francis Hates with a Hatred worthy of one of his idols, Martin Luther. And no Sacraments equals No Church...

Which is and has been Antipope Francis’s Chief aim from the beginning.

Schönborn is a pathetic member of the Homosexual Network Strangling the Church and like them all had better read up on millstones. Gospel of St. Matthew, ch. 18.
No faith!
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle