Special cross created for the upcoming World Youth Day in Panama in January. This afternoon the Pope receives the WYD Cross of Panama.More
Special cross created for the upcoming World Youth Day in Panama in January.

This afternoon the Pope receives the WYD Cross of Panama.
Shame on you for promoting that sinful life style.
Francis, if you don't stop associating Jesus Christ with the kind of sinners that He abhors, you are likely to share their fate.
The Bible is clear enough on the issue of homosexuality and pedestry -clear enough to give you sufficient guidance as to where He stands regarding such issues.More
Francis, if you don't stop associating Jesus Christ with the kind of sinners that He abhors, you are likely to share their fate.

The Bible is clear enough on the issue of homosexuality and pedestry -clear enough to give you sufficient guidance as to where He stands regarding such issues.
Gesù è con noi
Los masones como Bergoglio odian la Cruz de Cristo por eso Bergoglio utiliza cruces masónicas y férulas blasfemas en rebelión contra el crucifijo.
Holy Cannoli