"Rumour has it that the Italian churches are soon to have PF's silly revision of the Oratio Dominica imposed upon them.
"I doubt whether PF would try to impose this universally. That's not his style. His way of working is to 'make a mess' and, great glorious termite that he is, to attack Catholicism by nibbling away at its foundations. He takes the long view.
"England is perhaps not as vulnerable …More
"Rumour has it that the Italian churches are soon to have PF's silly revision of the Oratio Dominica imposed upon them.

"I doubt whether PF would try to impose this universally. That's not his style. His way of working is to 'make a mess' and, great glorious termite that he is, to attack Catholicism by nibbling away at its foundations. He takes the long view.

"England is perhaps not as vulnerable to this sort of nonsense as Italy. That is because such a change in Anglophone liturgy would be unecumenical. In other words, the historically dominant Anglican tradition of the English version of this Prayer may serve to protect Anglophone Catholics from interference, at least until the pontificate of Frances III.

"Intermittently, the Church of England has permitted optionally alternative versions of the Our Father, although, interestingly, the particular phrase that the Bergoglianist Ascendancy has such problems with has never featured in these versions. (This may be because Anglicans have tended to be shy of knowing better than the Author of the Prayer.) But, I think overwhelmingly, Anglican clergy have felt that 'changing the Lord's Prayer' would alienate occasional worshippers for whom the older version is just about the only liturgical formula that they do know off by heart.

"PF's initiative raises a diverting question: if, without being ultra vires, PF can fiddle around like this, why cannot other Christians (or Pope Frances III) eliminate the 'offensive' Patriarchality of Pater hemon?"

Someday the termite nest will collapse in on itself and we can get on with traditional Catholic life again.

Mater Nostra quae es ...

Rumour has it that the Italian churches are soon to have PF's silly revision of the Oratio Dominica imposed upon them. I doubt whether PF would try to impose this universally. …
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
Its not a rumour, dear Father, it is in the new Italian translation of the Missal.
Thors Catholic Hammer
There is no such thing anymore as a “pope” Francis.
The individual styling himself as such was automatically excommunicated about two years ago for publishing formal heresy in the pamphlet Amoris Laetitia.
Many many deluded Catholics still see this individual as some kind of “pope” but as he has severed himself from the Roman Catholic Church the truth now sadly is that the church is either in a …More
There is no such thing anymore as a “pope” Francis.
The individual styling himself as such was automatically excommunicated about two years ago for publishing formal heresy in the pamphlet Amoris Laetitia.

Many many deluded Catholics still see this individual as some kind of “pope” but as he has severed himself from the Roman Catholic Church the truth now sadly is that the church is either in a state of sedevacantism or that Pope Benedict is still pope.