St.Theodoret, martyr, accused of having destroyed the statues of the gods

October 22nd is the feast of St. Theodoret, priest and martyr. He was arrested and accused of having destroyed the statues of the gods. The most autrocious torments were heaped upon him and he bore …More
October 22nd is the feast of St. Theodoret, priest and martyr. He was arrested and accused of having destroyed the statues of the gods. The most autrocious torments were heaped upon him and he bore them all with courage for the sake of his Faith. St.Theodoret, pray for us!
If he lived today, St Theodoret would be accused of "religious intolerance" by Vatican officials.
St Theodoret ora pro nobis
Gesù è con noi
Father E. Sylvester Berry in his book, The Apocalypse of St. John: “ . . . The ‘abomination of desolation’ has been wrought in many Catholic churches by heretics and apostates who have broken altars, scattered relics of martyrs and desecrated the Blessed Sacrament. At the time of the French Revolution a lewd woman was seated upon the altar of the cathedral in Paris and worshipped as the goddess …More
Father E. Sylvester Berry in his book, The Apocalypse of St. John: “ . . . The ‘abomination of desolation’ has been wrought in many Catholic churches by heretics and apostates who have broken altars, scattered relics of martyrs and desecrated the Blessed Sacrament. At the time of the French Revolution a lewd woman was seated upon the altar of the cathedral in Paris and worshipped as the goddess of reason. Such things but faintly foreshadow the abominations that will desecrate churches in those sorrowful days when Antichrist will seat himself at the altar to be adored as God."
Gesù è con noi
Hoy celebramos a San Teodoro, mártir, acusado de haber destruido las estatuas de los dioses paganos. Que San Teodoro interceda por todos nosotros que tenemos la obligación de destruir la idolatría y a los ídolos de los paganos con los que ahora la secta apostata bergogliana le viola los derechos a Dios para profanar su CASA.