In Defense of the Pope
thomasvalle shares this
la verdad prevalece
To be pope this man must first be a Catholic. This man is a total fraud.
People even twist the Sacred Scriptures; what makes you think the words of the Vicar of Christ are not twisted by people. “Whoever wants to pass for a good Catholic should beware of those who speak ill of religion, of its Ministers and especially of the Pope. He is a bad son who criticizes his father.” -St John Bosco.
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..and there may be two sides to every person, but the Christian struggle and ultimate goal is a total transformation of heart, to die to the old self so that God may give us a new self: Himself. Death to the old self.
If there may be two sides to every person. Then good may dwell with evil. Sin with virtue , right with wrong. And God with the devil... Such erroneous assumption derives from Luther's heretical ideology that God Perfect Being incarnated mixed with evil becoming part of the world... By assigning the world to God's Being , this heresy made God subject to change in process together with time. And as …More
If there may be two sides to every person. Then good may dwell with evil. Sin with virtue , right with wrong. And God with the devil... Such erroneous assumption derives from Luther's heretical ideology that God Perfect Being incarnated mixed with evil becoming part of the world... By assigning the world to God's Being , this heresy made God subject to change in process together with time. And as a result since God changes with time because He is a part of it, His Commandments and the Church are also subject to change as the world changes with time. This heresy undermines all Dogma and deposit of faith. In contrary true popes although being tempted and imperfect always demanded perfection accordingly to: "Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect. " Mt 5
Alex A
It depends on who is doing the editing. It is also true that there are two sides to every human being. Our 'fallen angels' so often dominate our lives to the detriment of our 'better angels.' Is not the Pope just as human as the rest of us? One could legitimately argue that he is tempted more by his 'fallen angels' than are mere pew-sitting Catholics like ourselves, one only needs to reflect on the …More
It depends on who is doing the editing. It is also true that there are two sides to every human being. Our 'fallen angels' so often dominate our lives to the detriment of our 'better angels.' Is not the Pope just as human as the rest of us? One could legitimately argue that he is tempted more by his 'fallen angels' than are mere pew-sitting Catholics like ourselves, one only needs to reflect on the early apostleship of St. Peter, the first Pope to get a glimpse of his struggle with the snares of the devil. Or, consider what we make of Christ's struggle with Satan. 🤔
The problem is not Pope Francis, the problem are all the talking heads on the internet who twist the words and intentions of the pope with the same skill that some twist the Sacred Scriptures. Obviously Satan will slander the visible Head of the Church.
Alex A
Perhaps Pope Francis needs to speak with clarity and consistency rather than as a Jesuit.
In reality, he's simply echoing the gospels, the teachings of the Church and his predecessors. But even the Bible gets misinterpreted and twisted.
Alex A
@ thomasvalle > So, Francis's 'crack down' on traditionalists has its roots in the bible? Well, well, one can always learn from a fellow internet user, like yourself.
Yes, in the gospels and in the writings of St. Paul; the Acts of the Apostles. Unfortunately a part of the traditionalist movement has generated just another "ism" which ends up leading people away from the Church. As much as I love the TLM, the problem are groups within traditionalism who not only bring division by directly rejecting the Second Vatican Council but they also foster hatred against …More
Yes, in the gospels and in the writings of St. Paul; the Acts of the Apostles. Unfortunately a part of the traditionalist movement has generated just another "ism" which ends up leading people away from the Church. As much as I love the TLM, the problem are groups within traditionalism who not only bring division by directly rejecting the Second Vatican Council but they also foster hatred against "Bergoglio" whom they don't even consider to be the pope. But the pope did not disallow the TLM, rather, he put it under the authority of the local bishops. Once one looks into the reasons behind his actions, one can clearly see why the "crackdown" was justified. Fostering a rejection of a Church Council certainly leads to division.
Alex A
It would appear that you are just as anti-traditional as Pope Francis. From your most recent comments, I surmise that your understanding of the history around Vatican 2 is somewhat limited, perhaps because of your age. My family and I lived through the heady days of the council, and it didn't take us long to wake up to the shenanigans of the clerics who seized control of the said council, and what …More
It would appear that you are just as anti-traditional as Pope Francis. From your most recent comments, I surmise that your understanding of the history around Vatican 2 is somewhat limited, perhaps because of your age. My family and I lived through the heady days of the council, and it didn't take us long to wake up to the shenanigans of the clerics who seized control of the said council, and what their intentions were. Pope Pius X had warned against allowing modernism into the church, but as with the champions of tradition, during and after the close of Vatican 2, his warnings and theirs went unheeded resulting in the steady undermining of the Catholic faith abetted by subsequent Popes from Pope Paul V1 right through to our present Pope Francis. In truth, Catholics like my family did not cause any division, we, in fact, remained faithful to what had been handed down by our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, and great, great-grandfathers, all the way back to the Apostles. If there are divisions in the church, then the blame rests with those who sought to undermine the Faith of Our Fathers and not with those who have defended the Faith. Unless you can fully appreciate what took place during Vatican Council 2, then you are blind to the folly of many Council Fathers as well as the folly of those who have since occupied the Chair of St. Peter.
There were, are, and always will be, those in the Church who will undermine the faith. They are called heretics and schismatics—people who think they know better than the Church. And it is quite impossible to try to convince them otherwise. What they have to understand is that God’s ways are not man’s ways.
Archbishop Sheen spoke out against modernism, yet he praised the Second Vatican Council as …More
There were, are, and always will be, those in the Church who will undermine the faith. They are called heretics and schismatics—people who think they know better than the Church. And it is quite impossible to try to convince them otherwise. What they have to understand is that God’s ways are not man’s ways.

Archbishop Sheen spoke out against modernism, yet he praised the Second Vatican Council as a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church. He also pointed out that whenever there is a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church, there is always a rise in demonic activity that tries to oppose it. The devil often masquerades as an angel of light.

Church history is littered with movements that became “isms” that only ended up leading people against the pope and away from full communion with the Church. As much as I love the TLM, traditionalism has become just another movement that divides the Church. Just read what you wrote. You are practically saying that the Second Vatican Council was a false council, and that the popes since Paul VI are in error based on what you and your family went through in the 1970s. Now, how is this belief not a cause for fostering division in the Church and rejection of popes and a Church Council? Catholics must not reduce the faith and the gospel to attending a Latin mass.

The popes spoke out against modernism in the late 19th and early 20th century in the wake of Darwinism and the attempt by atheism to undermine the Church. The popes spoke out against them because Modernists denied the divinity of Christ and the infallibility of the Church.

And in this video about pope Francis we clearly see how the self-appointed inquisitors and champions of “traditionalism” are only talking heads who are not spreading the gospel, but rather spreading confusion and painting a false picture of the pope..
Alex A
Yeah, I claimed the Vatican 2 Council was false. The trouble is I have forgotten exactly where I documented that, perhaps you can point it out to me and while you are at it, redact all the false presumptions you attribute to me along with your arrogant air of superiority. That should not only shorten your comments considerably, but also add to their readability.
I’m sorry if I came across with an air of arrogant superiority. You’re the one who surmised that my knowledge of the history surrounding Vatican II is limited.
You not only said that all the Popes since Paul VI have “undermined the Catholic faith,” that certain clerics who were up to shenanigans “seized control of the Council” and that I am blind to “the folly of those who have since occupied …More
I’m sorry if I came across with an air of arrogant superiority. You’re the one who surmised that my knowledge of the history surrounding Vatican II is limited.

You not only said that all the Popes since Paul VI have “undermined the Catholic faith,” that certain clerics who were up to shenanigans “seized control of the Council” and that I am blind to “the folly of those who have since occupied the Chair of St. Peter.”

You said that you lived through the heady days of the council, and it didn't take you long to wake up to all the shenanigans. First of all, the council closed almost 60 years ago. How old were you at the time of the Council? Do you mind sharing your age?

But the fact that there were abuses that took place in the wake of the Council, does not mean you have a right to denigrate popes and the Council itself; actions that only cause suspicion and division in the Church, which is what we constantly hear coming from those who probablty weren’t even born during the Council, or perhaps were toddlers back then, who today follow traditional-ism, and formed their anti-Vatican II based on what they watched someone say about it on YouTube.

Here is what Archbishop Fulton J Sheen, who was actually at all the sessions of the Council, and old enough to know what was going on, said about it:

“The tensions that developed after the Council are not surprising to those who know the whole history of the Church. It is a historical fact that whenever there is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit as in a general council of the Church, there is always an extra show of force by the anti-Spirit or the demonic. Even at the beginning, immediately after Pentecost and the descent of the Spirit upon the apostles, there began a persecution and the murder of Stephen. If a general council did not provoke the spirit of turbulence, one might almost doubt the operation of the third Person of the Trinity over the assembly.”-Abshp. Fulton J. Sheen

And here is one of those popes you mentioned, explaining the difference between the “False Vatican II Council, and the true Council of the Fathers:
Pope Benedict XVI speaks about the False Vatican II