
Jesuit University Shut Down

A Nicaraguan judge on August 15 ordered the confiscation of all assets (property, buildings, bank accounts) of the Jesuit-run UCA university in Managua, claiming it was a center for terrorism. The 63-year-old university, with 8.000 students, has suspended its activities. It has been a hub for the 2018 protests against President Daniel Ortega. This is one of many actions taken by the Nicaraguan authorities against the Church.

Picture: Universidad Centroamericana © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsDsvzqdndiu

Vincent Capuano
History is complicated.
Vincent Capuano
Vincent Capuano
Vincent Capuano
Ortega is a communist who shut down a Jesuit University that opposed his repressive regime. Let that sink in.
Yes, I think this is a case where like-minded people turn on their own or why the Church [even liberals within it] should never make nice with communists. I recall when I was in seminary in the early 90s how some of my profs waxed lyrical on their "beloved Nica"; they were liberation theologians & thought Ortega was great fighting the big, bad Reagan/Bush tyranny of the U. S. My how the tables have …More
Yes, I think this is a case where like-minded people turn on their own or why the Church [even liberals within it] should never make nice with communists. I recall when I was in seminary in the early 90s how some of my profs waxed lyrical on their "beloved Nica"; they were liberation theologians & thought Ortega was great fighting the big, bad Reagan/Bush tyranny of the U. S. My how the tables have turned! 🥴
Opera 369
My question is: which Church? Certainly not the Catholic Church! Most of the modern Jesuits are all .... brothers-in-arms with the BergoCircus!
Ivan Tomas
I don't know a jota about Ortega & Co, but who can assure us that mentioned university really belongs to the Church?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
We have a liberal Jesuit university near our family house (afew miles) called St. Joseph's University on the outskirts of Philadelphia. I did alittle research into it afew months ago when I read of one of their Jesuits being a pedophile. IN the 1950's right before Vatican II, there were almost 200 Jesuits on campus. Today? Five. That's all !!
When BVI was head congregation of doctrine and faith (inquisition) he let Jesuit Martini have free rain 🤔
Would to God they all were.