Slovak Bishops Reject "Sodomia Supplicans"

When homosexuals or adulterers ask for a blessing, "the priest may grant it only after having truthfully informed the applicants of the true meaning and purpose of this blessing, which is to ask for peace, health and other good things, and at the same time for freedom from everything in the person's life that is contrary to the Gospel, as well as for strengthening to live according to God's will".

These are the pastoral guidelines of the Bishops of Slovakia, published on The priest gives such a blessing to "individuals". He avoids even the slightest impression that it is a matter of approving, legalising or raising an irreligious union to the level of a sacramental marriage.

Such blessings cannot be associated with the liturgy, liturgical vestments, a sacred building [= not in a church] or an altar.

Key phrase: "If the priest does not meet with the understanding and acceptance of the above meaning of the blessing on the part of the petitioners, he should not grant them the blessing, but should patiently and paternally include them in his prayers".


this is a spiritual warfare ,litle by litle the Truth is coming out , thanks to the coragious clergy
Half measures such as this are STILL blasphemous, because at the end of the day the Priest is falsely and illicitly pronouncing and invoking God’s blessing upon two people together as a “couple” not separately as individuals. You still have two people joined and united in their mortal sin standing brazenly and unrepentantly together before you seeking the Church’s sanction via a Priestly “…More
Half measures such as this are STILL blasphemous, because at the end of the day the Priest is falsely and illicitly pronouncing and invoking God’s blessing upon two people together as a “couple” not separately as individuals. You still have two people joined and united in their mortal sin standing brazenly and unrepentantly together before you seeking the Church’s sanction via a Priestly “blessing.” Consequently, it is utterly and entirely IMPOSSIBLE for any such so-called blessing not to be received and recognized for what it truly is: an official acknowledgment of their status as a “pair” and an acceptance of their unholy relationship by Holy Mother Church, whom the Priest represents.

This inherent and unavoidable Church sanctioning and affirmation of the sinful connection that exists between the two persons is actually codified in the language of the Declaration itself, since it specifically and intentionally uses the word “couple” in identifying the recipients of the so-called blessing, and the word “relationship” in articulating the context of the so-called blessing’s impact. The Declaration explicitly states that the blessing is for couples, and that what is being blessed are certain aspects of the couple’s relationship. It does not establish or implement a personal blessing specifically for an “individual” who approaches a Priest seeking one (which the Church has always allowed and freely provides); that, unfortunately, is not the stated intent or purpose contained therein. On the contrary, this Declaration exclusively addresses and establishes a blessing for couples who are defined in the document as being in a relationship.

Thus, regardless of location, or environment, or attire, or brevity of words, or lack of ceremony, or the absence of a defined liturgy and the accompanying rubrics, or the timed duration of the spoken invocation itself, the result is the same: the committal of a grave and grievous sacrilege and desecration in the attempt to “bless” what God Himself has cursed and declared an abomination in His sight. Therefore, you cannot perform any such thing at ALL under any circumstances whatsoever, regardless of the situation, your stated intention, or what so-called precautionary measures you take.

The Slovakian Bishops errored enormously in this, and instead, should have promulgated a response that fully and unambiguously rejected the sodomy-blessing Declaration in its totality and forbade their Priests from committing any and all such acts. It remains an abomination.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Sorry, but that not an outright rejection as it should be. Like the courageous bishop of Africa and Poland and other places, it should be an outright blessings for homosexuals of any kind. None.
If he regrets it, that's another matter. For that he must first of all be shown the gravity of his sin. And the outrage over this document, indeed. And more.