
Orlandi Hoax Second Round: Vatican’s Good Will Abused

In the futile search for Emanuela Orlandi who disappeared in 1983, the Vatican agreed to the ridiculous request to open two 19th century tombs which turned out to be totally empty. This was only …More
In the futile search for Emanuela Orlandi who disappeared in 1983, the Vatican agreed to the ridiculous request to open two 19th century tombs which turned out to be totally empty.
This was only the beginning of the comedy. IlFattoQuotidiano.it (July 15) styled the empty tombs as “a new mystery”. And, “If the Vatican has allowed this, they knew that nothing would be found.”
John Allen quotes a Roman waiter, “Obviously, they cleaned it out before the inspection” (CruxNow.com, July 14). Allen comments, “They give Vatican personnel far too much credit.
Laura Sgrò, the lawyer of the Orlando family went a step further, “The bodies to be found are now three,” she triumphed.
It is like in the abuse hoax: The more the Vatican obeys the requests of the world, the more it is accused of doing the wrong thing. The Vatican seems unable to learn the lesson.
Picture: Emanuela Orlandi, #newsLpkrhbahzu