
Encyclical: Francis Plans to Rehash Abu Dhabi Heresy

Francis will soon publish an encyclical on "human fraternity," said Rieti Bishop Domenico Pompili, 57, Italy, at an August 26 press conference (video below).

According to Pompili, the encyclical will resume the Abu Dhabi document on human fraternity (February 2019).

It will be Francis’ third encyclical after Lumen Fidei (2013) and Laudato si (2015).


These days, when people say "is the Pope Catholic?", it's pretty fair to reply "Er.... can I get back to you on that one?".
Our Pope is Benedict XVI until he dies.
- Canon Law. 332.2 says a Pope can resign.
"If it happens that the Roman Pontiff resigns his office..."
- Benedict said he did resign.
"The only condition for the validity of my resignation is the complete freedom of my decision."
Please explain then why Benedict remains Pope "until he dies." and do so addressing both of the points above.More
- Canon Law. 332.2 says a Pope can resign.
"If it happens that the Roman Pontiff resigns his office..."

- Benedict said he did resign.
"The only condition for the validity of my resignation is the complete freedom of my decision."

Please explain then why Benedict remains Pope "until he dies." and do so addressing both of the points above.
Yes he resigned to the administration but not to the petrine he kept the papal ring and he dresses white he will continue to be the pope until he dies.
So you are just ignoring what Benedict said that contradicts you on every point.
You do not respect the man you call "Pope". You use him as a puppet,, nothing morre. And you're still wrong.
"Yes he resigned to the administration but not to the petrine..."
You got that backwards and you're still wrong. "I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited …More
So you are just ignoring what Benedict said that contradicts you on every point.

You do not respect the man you call "Pope". You use him as a puppet,, nothing morre. And you're still wrong.

"Yes he resigned to the administration but not to the petrine..."

You got that backwards and you're still wrong. "I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry." Benedict XVI resignation letter

"he kept the papal ring"

Post a photo of him wearing it after his resignation, a photo of him wearing it in the presence of Pope Francis. Put up or shut up.

"he dresses white"

Benedict explains there's a difference. "At the moment of my resignation there were no other clothes available. In any case, I wear the white cassock in a visibly different way to how the Pope wears it."

Notice Benedict separates himself from The Pope. Specifically Benedict avoids using the shoulder cap and Papal sash.

From the same passage Benedict seems to speaking directly to you.

"This is another case of completely unfounded speculations being made,"
"We can say the same Pope Benedict XVI is fighting for the truth for God." @DEFENSA DE LA FE I agree. He continued "fighting for the truth" after his resignation and publicly acknowleged his successor.
“I'm grateful to be bound by a great identity of views and a heartfelt friendship with Pope Francis. Today, I see my last and final job to support his pontificate with prayer.” --retired ex-Pope …More
"We can say the same Pope Benedict XVI is fighting for the truth for God." @DEFENSA DE LA FE I agree. He continued "fighting for the truth" after his resignation and publicly acknowleged his successor.

“I'm grateful to be bound by a great identity of views and a heartfelt friendship with Pope Francis. Today, I see my last and final job to support his pontificate with prayer.” --retired ex-Pope Benedict.

Even the newspaper felt the need to verify the quotation. Benedict responded, “Professor Kung quoted the content of my letter to him word-for-word and correctly.

Benedict has also quietly dropped the "Emeritus" title. in favor of "Father".

--At least part of the reason for wanting his new title to simply be “Father” rather than Pope Emeritus or Benedict XVI is to put more space between him and the role of the pope, so that there is no confusion as to who "the true Pope” is.--

And this news is over years old. I would genuinely be interested in how people can praise Benedict for "fighting for the truth for God" and then ignore the man's own statements for five years straight.
As archbishop Vigano said Trump is fighting biden good against evil.
We can say the same Pope Benedict XVI is fighting for the truth for God and bergoglio is on the opposite side.
"Bergolio is an antipope, his predecessors were antipopes..." @Still_I_Lies Propaganda "must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over." -Joseph Goebbels
"Jesus Christ is Lord" is one point, and your pope hates it." @Still_I_Rise
You're not quoting him. You never do because that's not how you work. Is it?
One more comment from Ultraviolet
"Would me quoting him change your mind? Nope." Try. Quote Francis verbatim where he says he doesn't believe in Jesus or His Church.. You won't. What you'll do instead is make the claim like so: "and he doesn't believe in Jesus or His Church." which is a direct quote from you right below.
"If what I've been saying is wrong you'd have already proven it long, long ago."
Already have. Long, long ago. …More
"Would me quoting him change your mind? Nope." Try. Quote Francis verbatim where he says he doesn't believe in Jesus or His Church.. You won't. What you'll do instead is make the claim like so: "and he doesn't believe in Jesus or His Church." which is a direct quote from you right below.

"If what I've been saying is wrong you'd have already proven it long, long ago."

Already have. Long, long ago. ;-)

"But you stay far away from Franco's statements."

Wrong. I've already acknowleged any number of times he is a bad pope and in error. I've acknowleged just as often he isn't the first. bad pope and he won't be the last.

"Francis is an antipope."

I've already explained why that isn't the case. I have it as copy-pasta already. You ignore it in favor of a different approach.

Propaganda "must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over." -Joseph Goebbels
"Bergolio is the true pope!" @Still_I_Rise ...and his predecessor was no better. "ISTANBUL - Pope Benedict XVI prayed alongside an Islamic cleric in Turkey's most famous mosque Thursday..."
--Both religious leaders clasped their hands across their stomachs in a position typically assumed by Muslims during prayer."
"This visit will help us find together the way of peace for the good of all humanity …More
"Bergolio is the true pope!" @Still_I_Rise ...and his predecessor was no better. "ISTANBUL - Pope Benedict XVI prayed alongside an Islamic cleric in Turkey's most famous mosque Thursday..."

--Both religious leaders clasped their hands across their stomachs in a position typically assumed by Muslims during prayer."

"This visit will help us find together the way of peace for the good of all humanity," the pope said.--

Sure sounds Abu Dhabi there. Yeah, you go right on durr-hurr-hurring over "Bergoglio". ;-)