The Church today lives in Egypt.We have become a nation of slaves.We are not masters, but lackeys.We do what the rulers of the world tell us to do: Protestants, liberals, Freemasons, socialists. We are lackeys in the field of the press, lackeys in literature, lackeys in broad politics, in economic matters.They command – we listen, sometimes perhaps murmuring, but we listen.
You can not embellish …More
The Church today lives in Egypt.We have become a nation of slaves.We are not masters, but lackeys.We do what the rulers of the world tell us to do: Protestants, liberals, Freemasons, socialists. We are lackeys in the field of the press, lackeys in literature, lackeys in broad politics, in economic matters.They command – we listen, sometimes perhaps murmuring, but we listen.

You can not embellish the sad fact, you can not deceive yourself and your own that everything is fine because we go to church on Sunday, perform some deeds of love of neighbor or hold a meeting. All this will not help, will not change the fact that in public life we mean terribly little. Catholicism lives in Egypt and groans under the political and social yoke of the rulers of the present day. Worse, the degrading policy of compromise plays the silent role of servants of his majesty – the spirit of the times.

If we had become a people of martyrs in Egypt! It would not have been a disgrace but an honor. But we have resigned ourselves to this pagan status quo; most feel happier with full pots in Egypt than with quail and manna in the desert – in the wild. The spiritual dependence of Catholics on others – lesser as they call themselves – is so widespread that there is often not one individual in a thousand who does not bow his neck to some idol.

We will rise again! – Rev. R. Mäder

Easter is the arch-holiday of Christianity, as it was once the arch-holiday of the old law. You shall celebrate it solemnly from generation to generation with perpetual …
Time of gentiles coming to an end just like the temple was destroyed so well the gentile nations.
Ivan Tomas shares this
The Church today lives in Egypt.We have become a nation of slaves.We are not masters, but lackeys.We do what the rulers of the world tell us to do: Protestants, liberals, Freemasons, socialists. We are lackeys in the field of the press, lackeys in literature, lackeys in broad politics, in economic matters.They command – we listen, sometimes perhaps murmuring, but we listen.
You can not embellish …More
The Church today lives in Egypt.We have become a nation of slaves.We are not masters, but lackeys.We do what the rulers of the world tell us to do: Protestants, liberals, Freemasons, socialists. We are lackeys in the field of the press, lackeys in literature, lackeys in broad politics, in economic matters.They command – we listen, sometimes perhaps murmuring, but we listen.

You can not embellish the sad fact, you can not deceive yourself and your own that everything is fine because we go to church on Sunday, perform some deeds of love of neighbor or hold a meeting. All this will not help, will not change the fact that in public life we mean terribly little. Catholicism lives in Egypt and groans under the political and social yoke of the rulers of the present day. Worse, the degrading policy of compromise plays the silent role of servants of his majesty – the spirit of the times.

If we had become a people of martyrs in Egypt! It would not have been a disgrace but an honor. But we have resigned ourselves to this pagan status quo; most feel happier with full pots in Egypt than with quail and manna in the desert – in the wild. The spiritual dependence of Catholics on others – lesser as they call themselves – is so widespread that there is often not one individual in a thousand who does not bow his neck to some idol.
Ivan Tomas
Well said.