
Archbishop: Synodality Francis Is "Intolerant Of Even Respectful Disagreement"

Francis “over-reliance" on the [declining] Jesuits is "unhealthy”, writes former Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput on ThePublicDiscourse.com (October 9).

He goes on to say that Francis is "intolerant of even respectful disagreement", that he can often seem "mean-spirited", that his complaints about the Church in the United States are "insulting and uninformed", that his [unambiguous] ambiguity on matters of doctrine is creating confusion and division in the Church "when we already have a surfeit of both."

Chaput anticipates the ultramontanists' attack against him, "If saying these things is ‘disloyal,’ then so is the truth", noting the irony that Francis advocates "synodality" but is "the most authoritarian pope in decades.”

The importance of the Petrine office is vital to the Church, he explains, “so long as Peter remains faithful to the Word of God and consistent Catholic teaching.”

Bishops are more than simply franchise managers of Catholicism Inc. They have a duty of obedience to the Holy See in all things "true to the faith but they have "no obligation of unthinking agreement.”

Chaput analyses that they often avoid candour out of cowardice or, allegedly more often, out of “prudent fear” of scandalising the faithful and causing division.

But: “At this point, we’re well past worrying about such things. The papacy and the Vatican will look very different in the decades ahead whatever we do, if only because of finances.”

Picture: © angelamcave, CC BY-NC, #newsYrtshmeqle

Tony M
After his heretical, blasphemous & Pachamama worshipping performance from the Chair of Peter over the last 10 years Jorge has not earned our respect, but only the contempt that he has shown Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament (sacrilegious communion as per 'Amoris Laetitia') & that he has shown the Holy Catholic Church Jesus founded.
We greatly respect the true Papacy, but for any antipapacy, and for …More
After his heretical, blasphemous & Pachamama worshipping performance from the Chair of Peter over the last 10 years Jorge has not earned our respect, but only the contempt that he has shown Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament (sacrilegious communion as per 'Amoris Laetitia') & that he has shown the Holy Catholic Church Jesus founded.
We greatly respect the true Papacy, but for any antipapacy, and for the anti-Catholic words & deeds coming from that antipapacy, it is contempt!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Another bishop speaking out against Pope Francis!!! Fantastic. And he was our former Archbishop!! Although this is great what he said, he did cause some issues in Philly....closing schools, selling off the Cardinal's Mansion (used by Archbishops of Philadelphia since the 1930's), and advising the sale of St.Charles Borromeo Seminary, a huge and beautiful facility for training of Archdiocese priests …More
Another bishop speaking out against Pope Francis!!! Fantastic. And he was our former Archbishop!! Although this is great what he said, he did cause some issues in Philly....closing schools, selling off the Cardinal's Mansion (used by Archbishops of Philadelphia since the 1930's), and advising the sale of St.Charles Borromeo Seminary, a huge and beautiful facility for training of Archdiocese priests since 1871 (one building dates form 1873, the other, larger bulding form 1929). Enrollment has plunged form 585 from the beginning of the 1950's to 1963, to today's 98. Thanks to Vatican II, accelerated by Francis.
I hope more Bishops speak out against homo loving heretic Francis....and not just retired ones.😂
P. O'B
Very happy to see Archbishop Chaput stand up for the Faith.