Tom Morelli
Found this article from November 8, 2018. The title could easily read "Why is President Biden so afraid of a free press?"....It would be a simple matter to replace Trump's name with sleepy joe and it would accurately describe what IS going on with the sleepy joe tactics to limit free speech in the current White House. This is called MANUFACTURING NEWS.
(See how I simply revised the article to …More
Found this article from November 8, 2018. The title could easily read "Why is President Biden so afraid of a free press?"....It would be a simple matter to replace Trump's name with sleepy joe and it would accurately describe what IS going on with the sleepy joe tactics to limit free speech in the current White House. This is called MANUFACTURING NEWS.

(See how I simply revised the article to reflect what is going on with the current resident of the White House. Like shooting fish in a barrel, folks.)

The day after Republicans took control of the House of Representatives, opening the door to increased oversight of the Biden administration, what does the president do? He holds a bizarre press conference in which he arbitrarily lashes out at journalists, resulting in a reporter’s White House press pass being canceled.

While it’s tempting to dismiss Biden's ongoing and escalating feuds with some in the media as mere distractions.....both actions are driven by a unifying theme: to escape accountability. ....Using an obscure law to install a lackey in his place, was a clear effort to circumvent the Senate confirmation process.....while barring a reporter was an effort to intimidate journalists.

At the Wednesday press conference, Biden grew visibly hostile with reporters. After CNN’s Jim Acosta had asked him about why he had mischaracterized the migrant caravan traveling to the US border as an invasion, the president deflected by insulting him. A brief row ensued and a female intern moved to remove Acosta’s mike. Later, the White House canceled Acosta’s press credentials, falsely claiming he had placed his hands on the intern. The incident constitutes an extraordinary attack on the press as a whole.

Why is President Trump so afraid of a free press? - The Boston Globe

Between the firing of Jeff Sessions and revoking press credentials of a CNN reporter, Trump is behaving like an authoritarian ruler.
The news media follow their father of lies