
Last Marxist: Francis Wants "Permanent Revolution"

Jean-Marie Guénois gives a summary of the state of affairs at the Vatican in LeFigaro.fr (9 October)

• The Dicastery for Human Development (Czerny) and the Synod of Bishops (Grech) have created their own service of communication bypassing the Holy See press office. However, their bulletins are useless and don't contain real information.

• There is an "end of empire" atmosphere in the Vatican including a form of feverishness never observed before in the last three decades.

• Cardinals are bypassed in their role as consulters, Francis’ authoritarianism is weakening the Curia, the slogan "synodality" is only for propaganda purposes.

• Francis' power is strengthened, the role of the bishops minimised, diocesan bishops are losing their authority, "collegiality" is disappearing.

• There are risks of very serious divisions as “Catholic centralism," that could be criticised in many respects, was one of the strong points of the Catholic Church.

• Francis wants a Church in a permanent synodal state everywhere and at all levels [= Permanent Revolution].

Picture: © michael_swan, Flickr, CC BY-ND, #newsYrlhhvvzdg

Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"There is an "end of empire" atmosphere in the Vatican including a form of feverishness never observed before in the last three decades." I think that is because they are rushing to mutate the Catholic Faith into something else before their captain (Francis) dies, because they know that it's not entirely a sure thing that the Church will get another Francis.....Francis II. Hopefully not, because if …More
"There is an "end of empire" atmosphere in the Vatican including a form of feverishness never observed before in the last three decades." I think that is because they are rushing to mutate the Catholic Faith into something else before their captain (Francis) dies, because they know that it's not entirely a sure thing that the Church will get another Francis.....Francis II. Hopefully not, because if we do, the Catholic Church is dead, except among the SSPX, Roman Rite Orders, and sedevacantist groups that have kept the Faith.

I think also it shows that Francis time is running out. He knows it, they know it. Tagle has such a bad reputation he will never be Pope. Nor Zuppi, nor Parolin, nor Grech, Marx, etc. etc.
John Fritz Logan
The irony is that rushing is going to be hard due to how Francis has extended the synod to October next year.
If they try to implement anything before that it completely exposes the synod farce.
Francis cannot really appointed any new cardinals till the number drops below 120 on the 23rd of September next yea and appointing new bishops clearly identified with the agenda has been going very slow as …More
The irony is that rushing is going to be hard due to how Francis has extended the synod to October next year.

If they try to implement anything before that it completely exposes the synod farce.

Francis cannot really appointed any new cardinals till the number drops below 120 on the 23rd of September next yea and appointing new bishops clearly identified with the agenda has been going very slow as well.

All they can hope is for a packing of the curia, but ironnically Francis' own next curia constitution would allow a new Pope like Sarah or Erdo to replace whomever he appoints much faster.

I think some are hoping Roche as Pope now but... he is Western European, will have little appeal to Conservative Western Europeans like Eijk, Muller, Woelki or Arborelius from Sweden, none to Eastern European cardinals, only get support from the 5 McCarrick cardinals in the USA, I don't see how he'd ever get a lot of Asian support.

Would Tagle have a firmly enough loyal following there that they'd switch to Roche if he asks?

New Cardinal Goh from Singapore seems to have presented imself more moderate and totally not ambigitious after being made cardinal. Watch out for him.