
Francis Loves Rupnik (Video)

A few days ago, Francis sent a mobile phone video to the 16th Mariological Congress in Aparecida, Brazil, in which he approaches a reproduction of a Marian mosaic by Father Rupnik, located in a hall of Santa Marta, and explains in detail the meaning of the work (1:20). IlSismografo calls this behaviour of Francis “simply bewildering.”



Wilma Lopez shares this
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Two perverts, Pope Francis and Rupnik
la verdad prevalece
Saint John the Evangelist of love teaches that by merely greeting a heretic the person who does so becomes an accomplice of the heretic.
The Magisterium of the Church teaches that those who collaborate with heretics fall into automatic excommunication.
Birds of a feather flock together~~~~~
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I have no respect for the Cardinals and Bishops of the world, that they do not condemn this evil man and his agenda and associates/appointees.