"Can you bless us as a couple, Father Martin?"
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
That's so great to see that they've found each other. Bff's, or a perfect union. Francis and Tucho hand in hand. 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮
Isn't that nice, they have matching crosses. Those are special crosses, only special people get those crosses...
More “hidden pictures” in the Bernardin-Bergoglio icon of the Antichrist | Barnhardt
It is horribly sad.More
Isn't that nice, they have matching crosses. Those are special crosses, only special people get those crosses...

More “hidden pictures” in the Bernardin-Bergoglio icon of the Antichrist | Barnhardt

It is horribly sad.