Gloria TV News on the Feast of The Stigmata of Saint Francis. The Fashion is Back USA The old-fashioned nun is getting into fashion again. In 11 years, the Dominican Sisters of Mary — a Michigan convent …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of The Stigmata of Saint Francis.

The Fashion is Back


The old-fashioned nun is getting into fashion again. In 11 years, the Dominican Sisters of Mary — a Michigan convent where nuns wear traditional habits and pray for three hours a day — has grown from four to 99 members. Each year about 400 young women inquire about joining the convent. The average age of the new sisters is 23. Most of them are college students. But lawyers, nurses and airline pilots have donned the habit, too. For several years, the convent was so crowded that many sisters lived in trailers. “When women see our members, they think, ‘Wait, I could do that, too!’” says Sister Joseph Andrew, one of the Sisters of Mary.“ We pray, but we also laugh and play soccer together. Being a nun is a lot of fun!”

St Thérèse of Lisieux in Great Britain


The relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux arrived into the UK via Eurotunnel on Tuesday afternoon in a specially adapted hearse for an historic first visit to England and Wales. From September 16 to October 16, the relics of the beloved, Catholic Saint will visit 28 different venues, including many Catholic cathedrals and parishes, an Anglican cathedral, a university chaplaincy, a prison and a hospice for the dying.

Gifts with a Spiritual Dimension

Czech Republic

The authority of the Czech city of Brno will pay 6400 Euros for the liturgical vessels, a chalice and a paten, for Pope Benedict XVI who visits the Czech Republic on September 26-28. The gilt bronze liturgical vessels were produced by local goldsmith. The Brno emblem is engraved on the paten. "When we considered what to present to the Pope as remembrance of his visit to Brno we realized that it should be items with spiritual dimension connected with the city attributes," Onderka said.

Sisters say Good-Bye


After more than 150 years of being educated by them, supported by them, consoled by them and befriended by them, a town said goodbye to the last members of a congregation of sisters who made the town their home. The Sisters of the Society of the Sacred Heart moved out of Roscrea in north Tipperary due to the ongoing fall in vocations to religious orders. After a special Mass on last Saturday in St Cronan's Church, Sr Madeleine Minogue and Sr Maria Brady said their last farewells as they retired to communities in Dublin.
✍️ Always hold on to good "habits"!!! - Blessings - Rene