
No Time to Say Goodbye: Nuncio Leaves His Post

Nuncio Waldemar Sommertag left Nicaragua unannounced in the evening hours of 6 March, departing for El Salvador.

According to Confidencial.com.ni, this happened under pressure from the government. The secretary of the Nunciature, Monsignor Marcel Mbaye Diouf, is now the Vatican’s chargé d'affaires.

Sommertag had been cut off from communication with the government which imposed a deadline on him to end his diplomatic mission, a de facto expulsion.

Nicaragua, the West’s second-poorest country after Haiti, is under sanctions of the Biden regime. It has an excellent public infrastructure, free education, free hospitals, good roads, a low crime rate, and the world’s fifth-highest level of “gender equality,” facts usually suppressed by oligarch media. According to the independent M&R Consultores, the government has an approval rate of 70%.
