Francis showing the Joy of the Ascension
Ivan Tomas
But his closest buddy is a very cheerful guy.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
Because his ongoing focus is on the male's genital area. His smile, functioning at the animal level, is no different than that of a happy dog wagging his tail.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
The expression you see on the face is a reflection of the heart.
And what “joy” it is.
Alex A
'Heavenly Joy' in doubt?
All Saints
Everyday for Life Canada
Now we can all see why he doesn’t want to be known as the vicar of Christ.
Anthony November
It has a serpentine quality to it. Not befitting a pope.
John A Cassani
His mitre reminds me of Sauron’s helmet.
Dr Bobus
Sauron or Sour One