Christians Help Jew to Heal Homosexuals. Religious-Jewish Therapist Fights for Healing Homosexuals Licensed psychologist Dr. David Schwartz is fighting for the right to heal homosexuals. He is a member …More
Christians Help Jew to Heal Homosexuals.

Religious-Jewish Therapist Fights for Healing Homosexuals

Licensed psychologist Dr. David Schwartz is fighting for the right to heal homosexuals. He is a member of the Lubavitcher Orthodox Jewish Community in Brooklyn. In January, Schwartz joined five other lawsuits across the U.S., some stemming from healed homosexuals. They challenge a New York City law banning conversion therapy for people wanting to be healed from homosexual temptations.

Unjust law

The New York City law, adopted last year, makes it illegal for any person to provide services for a fee that – quote - "seek to change a person's sexual orientation” or – quote – “seek to change a person's gender identity” to conform it to their natural gender. Nevertheless, the law allows counselors to talk patients into being homosexual.

Talking Is Forbidden

Dr Schwartz serves patients who want to overcome homosex attractions. The majority of them are religious-Jews who want to marry, form a family, and live consistently with Judaism. He uses no techniques in working with his patients other than listening and talking — yet the law claims to forbid even that. Schwarz has been practicing for four decades.

New York City Looks for Snitches

Schwartz is facing the threat of up to $10,000 in fines per patient. The New York City Council has already put out bulletins looking for anonymous snitches. Dr. Schwarz is represented by the Christian law firm Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).

Psychologist as Tool of Government

According to Alliance Defending Freedom, Schwartz should not be forced in the course of his private discussions with patients to be a government tool who is forced to impose the sexual ideology of the New York City Council upon his patients. Quote, “If a man wants to marry a woman and have a family, that’s his choice. The government cannot keep him from pursuing that goal simply because they disagree with it.” For Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Council Roger Brooks, it is difficult to imagine a more direct violation of freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment.
Also California. No God-fearing person should support in any way the present political "powers that be" in California. Are we not all responsible in God's eyes if we support this moral rot?
Don Reto Nay
The religious Jews do what the Church is supposed to do. Imagine the Church would live according its true believes they way they live according to Rabbinical principles. We are supposed to be the city on the mountain and we blabla about it, they do it.
Religious jews religiously reject Christ. They are liars, thieves, and hypocrites. A den of serpents. Money changers. War mongers. They must convert to the Catholic faith or they will surely lose their souls.
Don Reto Nay
@mattsixteen24: That they reject Christ is true.
Maybe this Pharisee can ask his fellow tribesmen to stop subverting Christian nations.
Don Reto Nay
@mattsixteen24: We need to distinguish between Judaism as a religion and Judaism as a nationalist ideology. Religious Jews are little interested in subverting Christian nations (as Christian nations are doing this by themselves)
I'm talking about the people today who call themselves jews. The people who control the press, the banks, push sodomy, abortion, pornography, etc. The people that practice their talmudic satanic religion. They subvert and demoralize Christian nations. This is why they have been expelled hundreds of times from countries and then they act like they are persecuted victims when they do the devils works …More
I'm talking about the people today who call themselves jews. The people who control the press, the banks, push sodomy, abortion, pornography, etc. The people that practice their talmudic satanic religion. They subvert and demoralize Christian nations. This is why they have been expelled hundreds of times from countries and then they act like they are persecuted victims when they do the devils works because they are the enemies of our Holy Church.

The most orthodox/religious jews are the ones who despise Christians the most. They don't consider non jews human. They blaspheme Christ and the blessed virgin Mary in their satanic talmud saying horrible things I won't repeat.

Yes, Christian nations are being destroyed because they let the jews control their press, banks, and schools. Marx was a jew. Communism came from jews. Look up holodomor.info

Catholics for centuries defended the church and nations from the jews, but we became weak and now we are facing the worst crisis in our history.