Artemis @Artemisfornow NEW ZELAND - This man has been forced to destroy millions of healthy bees by burning because the National American Foulbrood Management Agency found spores, well below that of …More
NEW ZELAND - This man has been forced to destroy millions of healthy bees by burning because the National American Foulbrood Management Agency found spores, well below that of infection levels & no disease. $2million lost and no compensation. When there’s a honey shortage…
Government yet again muddling in something they know nothing about. Remember the so-called "experts" on Covid telling everyone the kill shot was safe?
Carol H
This man's livelihood is being destroyed before his very eyes. Look at the pain in his face. Moreover, no bees means no pollination...Louis IX is dead on - this spells induced famine.
Mary 17
Disgusting ,burning bees is cruel
Louis IX
Bees are one of God’s greatest blessings in the natural world. Without bees mankind ends.
Louis IX
Do not comply. Force the issue. Evil thrives on the compliance of well meaning people.