"Cheers,,,,,,Applause!" 😇
See.... this ! What a super piece of writing......Very, very FUNNY!
I can't help wondering what Constantine might do if he were alive today..... It's absolutely SPOT ON! Even as a spoof! The Church WILL be great again if the issues listed are dealt with.
"Cheers,,,,,,Applause!" 😇

See.... this ! What a super piece of writing......Very, very FUNNY!
I can't help wondering what Constantine might do if he were alive today..... It's absolutely SPOT ON! Even as a spoof! The Church WILL be great again if the issues listed are dealt with.

Frà Alexis Bugnolo
If Trump wanted to convert to the Catholic Faith, Francis would oppose it....
"being a billionaire is the measure of nothing but the riches of a person, not of intelligence or worth..."
@eticacasanova Please list four people who became billionaires by being unintelligent.. :P
"The best men in history were no millionaires,..."
There is a difference between "billionaire" and "millionaire". Roughly on the order of 1000 times. But don't let a crucial difference like thatMore
"being a billionaire is the measure of nothing but the riches of a person, not of intelligence or worth..."

@eticacasanova Please list four people who became billionaires by being unintelligent.. :P

"The best men in history were no millionaires,..."

There is a difference between "billionaire" and "millionaire". Roughly on the order of 1000 times. But don't let a crucial difference like that trouble your head. :D

"The best men in history... Saint Catherine of Siena or Saint Therese of Ávila or of Calcuta."

"The best men..." Then proceeds to names three women as examples. :P

"I fing hard to swallow this type of argumentation"

You ain't the only one, champ.
I find very hard to believe that Trump know anything about the Church. And, of course, being a billionaire is the measure of nothing but the riches of a person, not of intelligence or worth or of how informed about the Church be someone. The best men in history were no millionaires, Socrates or Saint Catherine of Siena or Saint Therese of Ávila or of Calcuta... or, of course, God incarnate.... I'm …More
I find very hard to believe that Trump know anything about the Church. And, of course, being a billionaire is the measure of nothing but the riches of a person, not of intelligence or worth or of how informed about the Church be someone. The best men in history were no millionaires, Socrates or Saint Catherine of Siena or Saint Therese of Ávila or of Calcuta... or, of course, God incarnate.... I'm sorry, I fing hard to swallow this type of argumentation, something like success theology, the daughter of the calvinist sign of predestination... Salud!!!
It's just a joke. He didn't actually say this to Francis.
Trump is better informed than you Thors Catholic Hammer. He also understands saying something doesn't magically make it true. Which is part of the reason why he's a billionaire and you're not.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Mr Trump is not well informed.
Francis left the Catholic Church about two years ago.