
Decadence Breeds Decadence: Synod Reports from Switzerland, Ireland

The Swiss’ bishops August 15 report for the Synod on Synod describes the [Swiss] Church with “clerical mentality," "abuse of power," "ignorance of the realities of life and culture in Switzerland.”

The "realities of life and culture" in Switzerland is marked by money, decadence, dramatically falling birth rate, and mass immigration. The report spreads the lie that the Church is “denying equality to women” and "excluding" homosexuals. The result shows that only a vanishingly small number of extremists took part in the survey. The report does not give numbers.

An August 12 report of the Irish bishops calls for the [invalid] ordination of women accusing Christ of being “hurtful” for calling only men to the priesthood.

The report’s authors heard an "overwhelming call [of the devil]" for promoting homosexualism in the Church. As a first step, they called for the church's language on homosexuality to be sin-affirming.

Not surprisingly, reports from countries where the church is dying reflect the reasons for this dying.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsAawwpktxce

Novena - Oremus
It's a global stund. Australia and New Zealand also find a "clear, overwhelming call for the full inclusion of LGBTQI+ people": How to make the church synodal? Inclusion, say respondents in 3 countries - The Catholic Sun
John Fritz Logan
The report from Switzerland was to be expected since this content was talked about more than a month ago. But back then the minority voices in favour of orthodoxy didn't seem to get mentioned.
Ironically the Irish rapport shows more support for the ordination of women than a change in sexual teachings where splits were mentioned. Since Francis isn't open (anymore?) to the ordination of women …More
The report from Switzerland was to be expected since this content was talked about more than a month ago. But back then the minority voices in favour of orthodoxy didn't seem to get mentioned.

Ironically the Irish rapport shows more support for the ordination of women than a change in sexual teachings where splits were mentioned. Since Francis isn't open (anymore?) to the ordination of women according to Batzing this is good. If the report was too onesidedly in favour of changing doctrine regarding sexuality it would favour Hollerich more.

The Australian report was surprisingly orthodox though soft in its tone. Thankfully the Fifth Plenary Council had ended moderate as well.

In general the low turnout and it not being representative appear to be well known at this point.