Argentinean Archbishop Confronts Francis with His Contradictions Retired La Plata Archbishop Héctor Aguer, Argentina, wrote on InfoVaticana.com about “Where is the ‘Sundal Church’ heading?”. Before …More
Argentinean Archbishop Confronts Francis with His Contradictions

Retired La Plata Archbishop Héctor Aguer
, Argentina, wrote on InfoVaticana.com about “Where is the ‘Sundal Church’ heading?”. Before Cardinal Bergoglio was elected pope, Aguer was the Church prelate who was putting Bergoglio in the shadow. The distance between downtown La Plata to downtown Buenos Aires is only 36 miles. Thus, Bergoglio harboured many grudges against him and sent him into retirement as quickly as he could. Recently, Aguer fell in his house and broke his hip.

What is the aim? Aguer has doubts about the three-year discussion which the Synod of Synodes imposed upon all dioceses of the world. His questions: “Is the aim to relativise the hierarchical structure of the Church in order to give executive power "to the grassroots"? Are "new lay ministries" being analysed, which compete with the priests, and will eventually substitute them? Is the "synodal Church" on the way to becoming a so-called liberal democracy, where power reigns not truth?

Self-Referential. It is surprising for Aguer that Francis has been accusing so much a supposed "self-referentiality" of the Church, and is now calling to strengthen – what? - "self-referentiality.” As an alternative, Aguer proposes to put into practice the – quote – “Church on the move” described in the Acts of the Apostles by imitating the missionary ardour of Pentecost which preached the faith that moves, a move that the apostles and first disciples crowned with their martyrdom.

Aggiornamento. For more than six decades, we have been talking about ecclesial aggiornamento, Aguer notices. Aggornamento means “bringing up to date,” meaning, bringing up to the present day. Aguer’s question: Is there a day that has been lasting for six decades? Has Christ’s mandate been deepened in this time, meaning, did the Church go and make disciples of all nations? The answer is clearly: no.

Communion? Aguer points at the deep division between Catholics and Conformists which is plaguing the Church since Vatican II. Aguer quotes Francis who declared that he wishes to pursue the constant search for ecclesial communion while, at the same time, he publishes Traditionis Custodes which, Aguer says - quote - “promotes ecclesial communion in reverse.” Aguer knows that many young people are fed up with the endless liturgical abuses which the bishops allow. They simply want a proper Mass. Aguer tells Francis that “there is nothing ideological about this.”
Aggiornamento.... one can't deny how lyrical it sounds, though. Is it a white or a red? ;-)
A real Bishop ! How refreshing.