Sexting, OnlyFans, and Porn Is it okay for me to use my body in a sexual fashion in order to provide for myself financially? If not, why not? The pornography sites of today might look pretty different …More
Sexting, OnlyFans, and Porn

Is it okay for me to use my body in a sexual fashion in order to provide for myself financially? If not, why not? The pornography sites of today might look pretty different from the brothels of yesteryear, but the question is as old as time.

Today, Jackie and Bobby Angel tackle the debate by getting to the heart of the matter: the dignity of the human person.

Jackie and Bobby have more advice for discernment in their book Pray, Decide, and Don’t Worry: Five Steps to Discerning God’s Will (Pray, Decide, and Don’t Worry: Five Steps to Discerning God’s Will) in collaboration with Fr. Mike Schmitz.

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Servant Of Divine Mercy
NO! You can not sell or use your body for these things. To be BLUNT, you would be committing a MORTAL SIN and there is no excuses. The key is to be in the State of Grace, seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousnes, have a daily prayer relationship with Our Lord and Our Lady and TRUST They will Provide for your needs both materially and spiritually; and They 100% will!