THE SHAM IS ON: Women Priests and Global Warming. The Vatican jumps the shark. In the press hall today in Rome, an official spokesman for the Amazon Synod—Bishop Krautler—admitted, incredibly, that he …More
THE SHAM IS ON: Women Priests and Global Warming.
The Vatican jumps the shark. In the press hall today in Rome, an official spokesman for the Amazon Synod—Bishop Krautler—admitted, incredibly, that he wants women ordained as priests. And as Michael Matt reports, this was AFTER the same bishop had told the press that the Amazon people can’t even begin to understand the concept of a celibate priesthood. Well of course they can’t, Excellency. (No racism here, of course!) Chris Lamb of The Tablet apologized in the press conference today for what he called 'racist' and 'insensitive' comment by journalists who aren’t buying the exploitation of the indigenous peoples going on over here. (Nice virtue signally, Chris! Seriously.) But, there’s more. The press was also informed that over eighty percent of the Amazonian people don’t even live in the jungle, but rather hail from the big cities of South America. So, what with the feathers and cultural appropriation? Are these people serious? Drug …More
ANTHROPOLOGIST WAS BULLIED AND PERSECUTED FOR SHOWING THE TRUTH ABOUT INDIGENOUS PEOPLE AT UNIVERSITY Napoleon Chagnon Documentary: He explains that in confrontation with other Amazon tribes, women are robbed, children are killed by being stabbed to death, and babies are smashed against a stone and more... Youtube removed the documentary, you can only see it on the page of the University of Nebraska …More
ANTHROPOLOGIST WAS BULLIED AND PERSECUTED FOR SHOWING THE TRUTH ABOUT INDIGENOUS PEOPLE AT UNIVERSITY Napoleon Chagnon Documentary: He explains that in confrontation with other Amazon tribes, women are robbed, children are killed by being stabbed to death, and babies are smashed against a stone and more... Youtube removed the documentary, you can only see it on the page of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, here: Ax Fight
Hard questions are being asked and answers are not being given. I don't call this the wheels coming off. I call this politics as usual. Ask away. The questions must be asked. But have no doubt, they will continue on the same path, tightening their wheels as they go. Maybe Francis himself will have a few adjectives for the Catholic press.
Don Reto Nay
You got to the "nuts and bolts" or rather to the "nuts and fruits"?