
World's Largest Diocese: No One There for Celebration of City's Patron Saint

Archbishop Mario Delpini celebrated the feast of Milan's city patron, Cardinal Charles Borromeo (+1584), in the local cathedral on 4 November.

Borromeo consecrated the cathedral. His relics are in the crypt. MessaInLatino.it notes that liturgical events on this day were always crowded, even under the [very poor] predecessor bishops Martini and Tettamanzi.

The current situation is not the direct fault of the current archbishop, who is not among the worst bishops in the Church, otherwise Francis would have made him a cardinal.

Picture: MessaInLatina, #newsXdeywpdhoj

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Livius - Tarquinius Suberbus (bok 1, kapitel 49-60)
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Lucretia - Wikipedia
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tako hladno a sunce sija
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Livius - Tarquinius Suberbus (bok 1, kapitel 49-60)
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Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This cartoon is hysterical....and so true. These are great, every one!!!
Well when the Mass was cancelled for 2 years or more, and people were told it was 'non-essential' & even 'selfish' to want to attend, endangering others, (yadda yadda) ... WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? But hey, I heard Cupich has restored the Sunday obligation for his see!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Hope no one shows up in Chicago for Mass.
John A Cassani
In my neck of the woods, the Sunday obligation has been restored for almost 18 months, but attendance at Mass at local parishes is less than half of its pre-scamdemic level. I doubt it’s much different in Europe, and I’m not sure that it is lamented very much by the bishops.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
It's the Novus Ordo. Who cares? I wouln't waste my time to go to it either 😂
Sancte Teotónio
It isn't lamented as it was viewed as a necessity! The money still flows somewhat even with attendance dropping, so they have no weight in their consciences.
Also they received money from the state to shutdown.More
It isn't lamented as it was viewed as a necessity! The money still flows somewhat even with attendance dropping, so they have no weight in their consciences.

Also they received money from the state to shutdown.
"Shutdown" is a noun.
Tony M
That photograph is a striking illustration of the fruit of the heretical antipapal leadership of Jorge Mario Bergoglio on the entire global Catholic Church.
The Francis effect!!! .....By their fruit you will know them!!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@TonyM--You are 100% . This is the fruit of Francis. Like I said I think several times on this site, Francis is absolutely hated in Italy, and in large parts of the Catholic world. The Italians deeply resent his attacks on Catholic tradition, the Tridentine Latin Mass, his emphasis on "the poor"-especially migrants/refugees, his acceptance/applauding of homosexuality and welcoming transvestite …More
@TonyM--You are 100% . This is the fruit of Francis. Like I said I think several times on this site, Francis is absolutely hated in Italy, and in large parts of the Catholic world. The Italians deeply resent his attacks on Catholic tradition, the Tridentine Latin Mass, his emphasis on "the poor"-especially migrants/refugees, his acceptance/applauding of homosexuality and welcoming transvestite homosexual prostitutes into the Vatican and at audiences, etc.etc.etc. The people of Venice hate him for all those reasons, and because their very orthodox and well loved Patriarch, Francesco Moraglia, has been passed over for Cardinal at every consistory (deliberate) by Bergoglio since he took office. The Italians also hate Francis wanting to establish a "Synodal Church". So do many other countries.
I think the next consistory will not see a clone of Francis. Parolin and Tagle are embroiled in big scandals, so they are out of the running. Zuppi made a fatal mistake allowing for blessings of gays in a parish- he's out. None of the Germans will get it, not Roche (who is strongly hated),.
I think the main candidates are Sarah, and Erdo, followed by Eijk, Burke, and perhaps Zuppi. Maybe history will be made, and an orthodox Archbishop will be chosen who isn't even a Cardinal.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori it's very, very hard time....I saw the another Horrible news...Beroglio will visit to DR Congo and South Sudan..Next year February...so terrible....Bergoglio want destroying to our Orthodox teachings..I am sure...he will trying remove orthodox teaching in Africa...it's make me so much angry...hmm...if,if before Bergoglio visit to DR Congo, South Sudan....this crazy old man gone …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori it's very, very hard time....I saw the another Horrible news...Beroglio will visit to DR Congo and South Sudan..Next year February...so terrible....Bergoglio want destroying to our Orthodox teachings..I am sure...he will trying remove orthodox teaching in Africa...it's make me so much angry...hmm...if,if before Bergoglio visit to DR Congo, South Sudan....this crazy old man gone...ah...it's miracle....I really hope it...Bergoglio's time much longer...our Church is much destroying...and I hate Cardinal Zuppi!!!! even though Cardinal Zuppi allow to Latin Mass...I can't believe him...be cause he support to all Wrong Agenda...LGBT,Reckless Abortion...I think he allow to Latin mass..it's a trick....I really hope we will get Orthodox Pope..Fast time...God bless always!!! Holy Mary,All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen..take care..always learning a lot about your great opinions...
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung --------Thank you very much!! I learn alot from you posts as well!