Did you know there are different levels in Heaven? Here’s the secret to getting up higher

Did you know there are different levels in Heaven? Here's the secret to getting up higher The John-Henry Westen Show …
Servant Of Divine Mercy
Some Catholics as well as many pagans are in Mortal Sins of addictions; STOP IMMEDIATELY before you appear SUDDENLY and UNEXPECTEDLY before the Judgment Seat of God Almighty. Go to the Sacrament of Confession if you are a Baptised Catholic or (for non Catholics) get Baptised into the ONLY and TRUE religion-the Catholic and Apostolic Church via the Traditional and TRUE Magisterium Teachings-and REPENT …More
Some Catholics as well as many pagans are in Mortal Sins of addictions; STOP IMMEDIATELY before you appear SUDDENLY and UNEXPECTEDLY before the Judgment Seat of God Almighty. Go to the Sacrament of Confession if you are a Baptised Catholic or (for non Catholics) get Baptised into the ONLY and TRUE religion-the Catholic and Apostolic Church via the Traditional and TRUE Magisterium Teachings-and REPENT ofvyour wicked sins and become a VICTIM SOUL for other souls to be saved with the Mortal Sins And Addictions you were enslaved in (lies, theft, pornography,, gambling, alcoholic, drugs, adultery, lustful debauchery, technology idolatry, etc) and at the Last Day (General Judgment) you will (if you remain Faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ and His True Catholic and Apostolic Church, Magisterium and Teachings) see the many souls souls you (by the Grace of God of course) brought out of sin and darkness, and were an instrument to bring them to Heaven for ALL ETERNITY!