
Bishop Abolishes Godparents At Baptisms And Confirmations

Sulmona Bishop Michele Fusco, 56, Italy, has abolished the custom of having godparents at baptisms and confirmations.

He explains that godparents are "often" [= almost always] unsuitable to transmit the Faith and, many live in a “complex family situation” [= mortal sin].

The decision enters into force on August 1 “ad experimentum” for three years. Fusco's decision is a silent admission that the Novus Ordo administration of baptism and confirmation is irremediably corrupt as the parents are not more suitable than the godparents.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsGbtgweqxat

"these same folks that came from the Latin mass changed it," @Jmy1975 -correlation doesn't prove causation. As you said, 'but let's not dwell in that."
@Ultraviolet I'm not saying that. I'm saying that evil existed as much in the Latin Mass as it does in the N.O. The Latin mass isn't magic. The Latin mass and the NO mass are made Holy by love and reverence of Christ. Communion on the hand given by a reverent priest to a parishioner in a state of grace is better than on the tongue mass given by an abusive priest and a Jew hating parishioner. It's …More
@Ultraviolet I'm not saying that. I'm saying that evil existed as much in the Latin Mass as it does in the N.O. The Latin mass isn't magic. The Latin mass and the NO mass are made Holy by love and reverence of Christ. Communion on the hand given by a reverent priest to a parishioner in a state of grace is better than on the tongue mass given by an abusive priest and a Jew hating parishioner. It's just logic.
"I'm saying that evil existed as much in the Latin Mass as it does in the N.O."
Are you now? Please show examples. I'm not -just- fencing with you here. I understand you're a bit busy taking on enemacassanova, Be Ye Stupid, and Indwelling Temerity simultaneously. I'd love to join in but I've been just a teensy bit preoccupied with AngelusMaria. ;-)
If you haven't already, start wading through …More
"I'm saying that evil existed as much in the Latin Mass as it does in the N.O."

Are you now? Please show examples. I'm not -just- fencing with you here. I understand you're a bit busy taking on enemacassanova, Be Ye Stupid, and Indwelling Temerity simultaneously. I'd love to join in but I've been just a teensy bit preoccupied with AngelusMaria. ;-)

If you haven't already, start wading through EMJ's "Revolutionary Spit" book. It's filled with lulz and will give you a new insight into the outright gullibility of those people. It's available online, free, so you don't need to worry about so much as a penny going into EMJ's pockets.

In light of our mutual commitments, my question isn't an idle one. This is a subject extremely close to my heart and you have my FULL attention. Evil in the Latin Mass? Where... exactly, is there evil in the Latin Mass?

You're technically correct when saying, "The Latin Mass isn't magic." in light of how The Church defines "magic" (CCC 2117). However, the Latin Mass is, very arguably, the most sublime expression of our Faith any of us can readily experience or likely ever will. That's inherent and unique to the structure of the Mass itself. If you've got something better, I'd appreciate knowing what it is.

Since the Church hasn't declared either method of reception to be inherently superior, a contrived example certainly doesn't demonstrate it.

Incidentally, the state of the parishioner's soul has no bearing on the method of distribution. The chain of distribution from the moment of Transubstantiation to administration to the parishioner is entirely within the priest's jurisdiction. Or it -should- be.

Technically, the "Jew hating parishioner" is almost certainly guilty of a wide-range of unconfessed mortal sins related to their anti-Semitic bigotry. They're making things only worse for themselves by receiving the Eucharist unworthily. That remains a constant regardless of how they do so.

Likewise, neither does the priest's personality have any bearing. The two examples you gave are not mutually exclusive, either.. A priest can be reverent to God -and- "abusive" particularly when addressing sin. Some priests, profoundly reverent men, have a "fire" to their personalities and they can be exceedingly abusive, even without uttering a single profanity.

Confessions with them are, without exception, emotionally wrenching experiences.

Anyway, I'll be looking forward to your reply and watching your future UFC matches with the bigots. You've been entirely too lenient on them, I think. Take the gloves off and stop pulling your punches. Christian charity is a virtue that's wasted on them.
Alex A
Unsuitable to transmit what? "The faith" What faith would that be Bishop? If it is what I suspect, version 350 mutated from V2, then he may well be right. Grandparent like myself, can only impart 'The faith of our Fathers" and who wants that 'rubbish' imparted to the sensibilities of a 'modern child'. God forbid!
Novella Nurney
@Alex A, Indeed! I pray there are many more Grandparents, Godparents ( and especially parents) that can and will impart the One,True, Catholic and Apostolic faith to thier charges. There is nothing more important than teaching the faith, whole and inviolate. The rubbish needs to be consigned to the bin.
I'm sure there weren't bad godparents pre Vatican 2. Everything was perfect, no abusive priests, nuns, everyone held hands and lived in harmony. But then these same folks that came from the Latin mass changed it, but let's not dwell in that.
You're on your own, kid.
F M Shyanguya
His reasoning solid to me. en.news extension to parents/“Novus Ordo admin. of sacraments” puzzling and non-sequitur but revealing of them.