Top 10 Travel Attractions, Madrid (Spain) geobeats on Jul 28, 2010 Number nine, Almudena Cathedral. It took more than 100 years to complete its construction in 1993. The original site was occupied by …More
Top 10 Travel Attractions, Madrid (Spain)
geobeats on Jul 28, 2010 Number nine, Almudena Cathedral. It took more than 100 years to complete its construction in 1993. The original site was occupied by Madrid's first mosque.
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Top 10 Travel Attractions, Madrid (Spain)
Santa María la Real de La Almudena is a Catholic cathedral in Madrid.
When the capital of Spain was transferred from Toledo to Madrid in 1561, the seat of the Church in Spain remained in Toledo; so the new capital – unusually for a Catholic country – had no cathedral. Plans were discussed as early as the 16th century to build a cathedral in Madrid dedicated to the Virgin of Almudena, but …More
Santa María la Real de La Almudena is a Catholic cathedral in Madrid.
When the capital of Spain was transferred from Toledo to Madrid in 1561, the seat of the Church in Spain remained in Toledo; so the new capital – unusually for a Catholic country – had no cathedral. Plans were discussed as early as the 16th century to build a cathedral in Madrid dedicated to the Virgin of Almudena, but construction did not begin until 1879.
The cathedral seems to have been built on the site of a medieval mosque that was destroyed in 1085 when Alfonso VI reconquered Madrid.[1]
Francisco de Cubas, the Marquis of Cubas, designed and directed the construction in a Gothic revival style. Construction ceased completely during the Spanish Civil War, and the project was abandoned until 1950, when Fernando Chueca Goitia adapted the plans of de Cubas to a baroque exterior to match the grey and white façade of the Palacio Real, which stands directly opposite. The cathedral was not completed until 1993, when it was consecrated by Pope John Paul II. On May 22, 2004, the marriage of Felipe, Prince of Asturias to Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano (known thereafter as Letizia, Princess of Asturias) took place at the cathedral.
The Neo-Romanesque crypt houses a 16th century image of the Virgen de la Almudena. Nearby along the Calle Mayor excavations have unearthed remains of Moorish and medieval city walls.
One more comment from Irapuato
La catedral de Santa María la Real de la Almudena es la sede episcopal de la Archidiócesis de Madrid (España). Se trata de un templo de 102 metros de longitud y 73 de altura, construido durante los siglos XIX y XX en una mezcla de diferentes estilos: Neoclásico en el exterior, Neogótico en el interior y Neorrománico en la cripta.
Fue consagrada por Juan Pablo II en su cuarto viaje a España, el …More
La catedral de Santa María la Real de la Almudena es la sede episcopal de la Archidiócesis de Madrid (España). Se trata de un templo de 102 metros de longitud y 73 de altura, construido durante los siglos XIX y XX en una mezcla de diferentes estilos: Neoclásico en el exterior, Neogótico en el interior y Neorrománico en la cripta.
Fue consagrada por Juan Pablo II en su cuarto viaje a España, el 15 de junio de 1993, siendo de este modo la única catedral española dedicada por un papa.
Está ubicada en el centro histórico de la ciudad. La fachada principal se encuentra frente al Palacio Real. La fachada del crucero mira hacia la calle de Bailén, y el acceso a la cripta se realiza por la Cuesta de la Vega, al final de la Calle Mayor. A diferencia de la mayoría de templos cristianos, de orientación este-oeste, la catedral tiene una orientación norte-sur, fruto de su concepción como parte integrante del conjunto del Palacio Real. Está construida en piedra de Novelda (Alicante) y granito de las canteras de Colmenar Viejo, (provincia de Madrid).…