
New appointment in the [irrelevant] Roman Curia?

MessaInLatino (16 August) writes that the Auxiliary Bishop of Lisbon, Amerigo Manuel Alves Aguiar, 49, who will become a Francis Cardinal next September, will be appointed Prefect of the Dicastery for the Family, Laity and Life, replacing Cardinal Kevin Farrell, 75. In the past, Farrell was a close associate of Cardinal McCarrick, and Francis has given him many appointments (APSA, Camerlengo, Commission for Confidential Matters, Divine Worship, Investment Committee, Court of Cassation).

Picture: Amerigo Manuel Alves Aguiar, Kevin Farrell © wikipedia CC BY-SA, #newsZrkxmpnghy

Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Good to see Farrell out. I wonder if this Portuguese guy will be any better. I doubt it. Francis only wants homosexuals and pro-homos around him. This person is probably more of the same filth.