
Our Lady Beats the Islamic State

A statue of Our Lady which was decapitated by the Islamic State, was restored and returned to St Adday Church in the Assyrian town of Karemlesh, Iraq, on March 19.

The sacrilege happened during the occupation of the villages in the Nineveh Plains (2014-2017). The statue’s head was found in the rubble.

The restored statue was on display at Francis’ March 7 Mass in Erbil, 60km East of Karemlesh.

Most of the inhabitants of Karemlesh fled from ISIS to Erbil. During the city's occupation, ISIS burned an 80-year-old Assyrian woman to death for failing to comply with the Islamic laws. A large portion of the historic Mar Behnam Monastery was destroyed.

Picture: © Fr Thabet Habeb, catholicnewsagency.com, #newsTzsbzhtjlz