
Catholics Under Attack in the US - Archbishop

“We have a high percentage of Catholics on paper, but we haven't done a very good job of forming our people well in the faith and helping them understand the faith and love it and live it out,” San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone told FoxNews.com (August 10).

Catholics “have to realise that we're being attacked,” he added.

“I mean, our properties are being attacked, our sacred symbols are being desecrated [e.g. Francis’ Traditionis Custodes]. We're being insulted, and that's been championed and celebrated in the culture.”

In the USA, there is a surge in vandalism against Catholic churches and an increased tension with regime agencies.

Picture: Sacra Liturgia Facebook Page, #newsTscvatsekl

The heart of the lion!
Wilma Lopez shares this
Catholics “have to realize that we're being explicitly attacked...I mean, our properties are being attacked, our sacred symbols are being desecrated. We're being explicitly insulted, & that's been championed & celebrated in the culture.”
and its coming so fast . But the Lord our Creator is Omnipotent He will protect us
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
It would be absolutely fantastic if it was revealed that the persecution of good traditional/traditionalist Catholics devoted to the True Mass and Catholic devotions and traditions was initiated by the FBI or other agencies of the USA government on the secret request of Pope Francis and his Vatican, using his queer bishops as informants, etc. I would NOT be in the least surprised, that Pope Francis …More
It would be absolutely fantastic if it was revealed that the persecution of good traditional/traditionalist Catholics devoted to the True Mass and Catholic devotions and traditions was initiated by the FBI or other agencies of the USA government on the secret request of Pope Francis and his Vatican, using his queer bishops as informants, etc. I would NOT be in the least surprised, that Pope Francis and his USA and Vatican people are behind this.
Truly Traditional Catholics need to network and support each other. Vigano was right about that.
The “attacks” upon Christ’s Church are from both within and without.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I hope this Archbishop stands up against Pope Francis and calls him out as the apostate/heretic he is and teaching error, just as the brave Bishop Strickland has done, and now Cardinal Burke with his book. The more who start standing up opposing Pope Francis and his agenda and his appointees, the better.
The Roman Rite LAtin Mass is the one True Catholic Mass.