Top Doctor Sounds the Alarm: 'Nearly ALL Vaxxed Are Suffering Strokes and Death'

According to Dr. Campbell, data from a medical case study from Harvard Medical School chronicled deadly brain damage, …
Abbe Jean Marie du Divin Coeur de Jesus; Dr. Campbell and many others have the training and knowledge to carry out this kind of investigation. I've seen some of their work, and indeed it is as he says.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
Considering the fact that everyone will die in the years to come, how do we know if their death is related to the vaccines or natural causes? To support death from the vaccine, the bulk of the population would have to die within a year or two of having received the vaccine. That is not happening. Therefore, it can be concluded that death from the vaccine is all speculation by those who enjoy …More
Considering the fact that everyone will die in the years to come, how do we know if their death is related to the vaccines or natural causes? To support death from the vaccine, the bulk of the population would have to die within a year or two of having received the vaccine. That is not happening. Therefore, it can be concluded that death from the vaccine is all speculation by those who enjoy traumatizing anything and everything.
John A Cassani
Some of the diseases the jab is causing are progressive, and could take years to kill. Also, there are still people taking boosters, and the chance of severe complications and death rises with each. I don’t think it’s going to get everyone, but if it gets 5-7%, that would be beyond catastrophic.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
That makes more sense to me.
Whoops my bad said Fauci 🤪