
Cardinal Napier criticizes Cardinal Kasper

Cardinal Wilfrid Napier of Durban, one of the four presidents-delegate at the upcoming synod of bishops on the family, criticized Cardinal Walter Kasper in three recent postings on his Twitter account.

The presidents-delegate take turns presiding over the synod deliberations.

Responding to a recent Huffington Post article, the South African cardinal tweeted that “it’s a real worry to read an expression like ‘the Pope’s Theologian’ applied to Cardinal Kasper. Why is it a worry?”

“Unlike Pope Francis Cardinal Kasper isn’t very respectful towards the African Church & its Leaders,” he continued, referring to controversial remarks made by Cardinal Kasper at last October's extraordinary synod. “Card Kasper considers African Bishops to be excessively controlled by taboo & too reticent to address polygamy & similar marriages problems!”

From: www.catholicculture.org/news/headlines/index.cfm