
Archbishop Viganò Back In Italy: Confession Not Available Anymore

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò currently drives around in Northern Italy, he told Robert Moynihan (InsideTheVatican.com, February 26). Viganò reports that Italians are afraid of the coronavirus, and …More
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò currently drives around in Northern Italy, he told Robert Moynihan (InsideTheVatican.com, February 26).
Viganò reports that Italians are afraid of the coronavirus, and the shelves in the supermarkets are getting empty.
He went for confession and was received only because he is a priest. For the faithful, the doors of the churches are closed.
Personally, he is more and more attracted to Latin and celebrates Mass after Matins and Lauds at 7:30 according to the Original Ambrosian Rite of Milan Archdiocese where he was born.
He prays for Francis “that he becomes Peter” [strange wording], repents any shortcomings, and confirms his brethren in the faith of all times.
Italian government reassures world: only .05% Italian territory, only .089% of population affected by virus lockdown. “disinformation causes more harm than the virus.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Covid 19. Is highly highly contagious.
The Antipope francis has decided to crawl back under his rock and protect himself.
The Italian govt in the meantime and as usual play the Ostrich.
"The Antipope francis has decided to crawl back under his rock and protect himself." ...said the sorry litle nutter who won't receive communion on the tongue or even use the holy water font anymore. :P