
Two Homosexuals Make Fun About Catholic Teaching in "Catholic" Parish

Two homosexual men gave a seven-minute presentation in front of a Minneapolis St Joan of Arc parish before Sunday Mass on January 13. They presented an in-vitro produced toddler, born from a rented …More
Two homosexual men gave a seven-minute presentation in front of a Minneapolis St Joan of Arc parish before Sunday Mass on January 13.
They presented an in-vitro produced toddler, born from a rented mother, and waxed on about how the parish was so welcoming. At the end of their seven-minute presentation they received a standing ovation.
The married English deacon Nick Donnelly wrote on Twitter (January 23), “I don't have any living children because we rejected In-vitro-fertilization (IVF) as immoral, abiding by the Church's teaching”.
He adds, “Imagine how I feel seeing two gay men showing off their child conceived by IVF & surrogacy before Mass. And the congregation are thrilled.”
His comment, “Not my Church”
Picture: Complicit Clergy, #newsGiqnykmhan
Pray for them, hell is hot