The Suicide of a “Conservative” Bishop. The Suicide of a “Conservative” Bishop In the last two weeks, we witnessed in awe the insane suicide of San Rafael Bishop Eduardo Taussig, Argentina, Caminate …More
The Suicide of a “Conservative” Bishop.
The Suicide of a “Conservative” Bishop
In the last two weeks, we witnessed in awe the insane suicide of San Rafael Bishop Eduardo Taussig, Argentina, Caminate-Wanderer writes. Under Bishop León Kruk, San Rafael was an extraordinary magnet of vocations. The international Institute of the Incarnate Word was founded at that time in San Raffael. Until today, its clergy is very Catholic and the diocese has an excellent Catholic laity.
Taussig Refuses Communion
Bishop Taussig got himself into trouble when he agreed with the local government to accept the re-introduction of Mass with compulsory Communion in the hand. He showed the full force of his legalism when on Corpus Christi he denied communion to an old man with a cane who was unable to take Communion in his hand. In the whole area there have been no cases of coronavirus.
Hecatomb in the Seminary
Taussig ordered the diocesan seminary to ban Communion on the tongue. Therefore, the rector of the …More
Holy Cannoli
Rafski Poloski is trying to lure me into a debate??? 🤭 😂 😊
Sorry little insignificant nobody. It has already been established by me and several others that you are a nutjob - an insignificant worm lacking intelligence and even common sense.
Here’s a clue for you worm. You are nothing, a nobody, a piece of dog excrement who repeatedly exhibits his overinflated ego by believing he and he alone …More
Rafski Poloski is trying to lure me into a debate??? 🤭 😂 😊
Sorry little insignificant nobody. It has already been established by me and several others that you are a nutjob - an insignificant worm lacking intelligence and even common sense.

Here’s a clue for you worm. You are nothing, a nobody, a piece of dog excrement who repeatedly exhibits his overinflated ego by believing he and he alone gets to decide what is and what is not Catholic teaching even though he publicly contradicts what is Catholic teaching. Added to the fact is that you are terminally stupid. Your ego is out of control and you believe your opinion rules when the fact is that your ego rules nothing other than your own non catholic opinions.

I would say not to write to me again but you probably will anyway. That is what nutjobs do. In particular nutjobs like you who believe they - and not the legitimate governing body of the church – can decide what is acceptable and what is not acceptable behavior within the church. 🥴 🤪 🥴 🤪