
Paul VI Was Pope of "Renewal” - Cardinal Sarah

Cardinal Robert Sarah has called Paul VI a pope of the "renewal of the Church” although his pontificate was the beginning of the Church's biggest and still ongoing downfall in history with homosexual …More
Cardinal Robert Sarah has called Paul VI a pope of the "renewal of the Church” although his pontificate was the beginning of the Church's biggest and still ongoing downfall in history with homosexual abuses skyrocketing.
Sarah told VaticanNews.com (October 13) that Paul VI was a “figure of a true Father" [whereas he named a cohort of bishops who were raging in the Church worse than hyenas].
Paul VI further abolished the liturgy as the Church had know it for 1900 years replacing it with a New Rite (1970) that immediately emptied the pews and seminaries in Western Europe and North America and then in the rest of the world.
During Sarah's "renewal" Paul VI laicised ten thousands of priests and furiously persecuted the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X who was able to gather the sheep shattered during the conciliar folly over which Paul VI was presiding.
Papessa Paula Carlini was responsible for so much harm. 100 years of Bergoglio wouldn't match it.