March for True Marriage in the Bronx. www.tfpstudentaction.org -- Despite getting nasty death threats, traditional marriage supporter Sen. Ruben Diaz organized a big rally for God-ordained marriage in …More
March for True Marriage in the Bronx.
www.tfpstudentaction.org -- Despite getting nasty death threats, traditional marriage supporter Sen. Ruben Diaz organized a big rally for God-ordained marriage in the Bronx.
Politicians are putting unprecedented pressure on New York lawmakers to legalize counterfeit same-sex “marriage” as soon as possible. According to The New York Times, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Catholic, is leading the charge against traditional marriage.
May God protect America from the homosexual agenda.
Play at Oklahoma City University depicts Our Lady as lesbian: PROTEST NOW
By TFP Student Action
The Oklahoma City University School of Theatre plans to sponsor a terrible attack on the Mother of God, a play that depicts Our Lady as a lesbian, as a student-directed stage reading.
Sign your protest right away 😡
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Play at Oklahoma City University depicts Our Lady as lesbian: PROTEST NOW
By TFP Student Action
The Oklahoma City University School of Theatre plans to sponsor a terrible attack on the Mother of God, a play that depicts Our Lady as a lesbian, as a student-directed stage reading.

Sign your protest right away 😡

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Contact information:

Oklahoma City University

Robert Henry, President
Phone (405) 208-5032
Email: rhenry@okcu.edu
