Pell’s accuser had treatment for psychological problems.
Sad state of affairs when the get Pell anti-Catholic, church hating lynch mob use someone who has psychological issues. Way to go Victoria Australia, you would think you could have come up with some one better than that. After all the money spent, the huge setup and corruption involved you come up with this poor lost soul.More
Pell’s accuser had treatment for psychological problems.

Sad state of affairs when the get Pell anti-Catholic, church hating lynch mob use someone who has psychological issues. Way to go Victoria Australia, you would think you could have come up with some one better than that. After all the money spent, the huge setup and corruption involved you come up with this poor lost soul.

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Maybe he had psychological problems after he accused Pell; regrets, sorrow, guilt...
Certainly would have added to his many problems, i'm sure in the end, with all the pressure put on him to lie, he will break down and expose those witch-hunters for what they are.